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5 Time-Tested Success Tips From Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos

5 Time-Tested Success Tips From Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Self-Development
From 4073 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on May 14, 2013 11:46 pm
2014 will mark the 20th anniversary of Amazon’s founding. During the intervening 20-years, Jeff has offered business executives numerous valuable tips, including the following... Read More
One big difference between group life plans vs personal life insurance is that a group life plan is usually cancelled if employment ends. Read More
Companies that offer their employees benefits generally have higher morale around the office, reduced employee turnover, and a more positive public reputation. However, not all businesses have the means to provide their employees with an array of perks and extras, but that doesn’t mean employers sh Read More

Quickly build your e-mail list with networking

Quickly build your e-mail list with networking - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Direct Marketing
From 4078 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on May 10, 2013 12:18 pm
When you are networking, you meet lots of new people and collect business cards. A lot of people immediately add these new contacts directly to their ezine list. But, that is actually against the SPAM laws to do this without permission. So how can you get the new contacts on your list? Read More
You will end up putting yourself in a detrimental position if you maintain a low self worth. How can you push yourself to strive for your maximum potential if you cannot even believe in yourself? If you do not acquire the mental courage to maintain your self-worth at a productive level then you are Read More

Social Media 101 – Less Is Always More

Social Media 101 – Less Is Always More - Avatar Posted by JohnPaul under Marketing
From 4084 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on May 7, 2013 6:04 am
Social Media 101 Is About Taking A Break Let me start today with a statement I have made before and I'm sure I will say again. You are NOT that important that people want to see 300 link shares a day from you! Got your attention?! Read More

Bing Ads: Search Marketing You Cannot Ignore

Bing Ads: Search Marketing You Cannot Ignore - Avatar Posted by tomshark under Resources
From 4085 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on May 4, 2013 3:48 am
Street Fight: Bing Ads is getting bigger, better and stronger. Of course this is great news for everyone involved in search marketing, except maybe Google, because it means search advertising is now a two horse race, both with deep pockets and both focused on the finish line. Read More
Have you ever wanted to create a successful startup? Maybe you have the design chops, the cool sense of style and the ability to get others excited about trends in technology, but can’t find that perfect idea. Something you could execute on quickly. Something you knew there was a buyer [...] Read More
To jump start your business, the single strongest step you can take is to start speaking. Here’s what I recommend you focus on to get in front of audiences and make this transition as quickly as possible. Read More

How To Break The Generic Label Trap

How To Break The Generic Label Trap - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Public Relations
From 4092 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on April 26, 2013 11:15 am
When you hear the word lawyer, what do you think? Costly. Paperwork. Stressful. Reserved. Antagonistic. When you hear integrated counsel, what do you think? Probably nothing comes to mind, since you never heard it before. If you are asking yourself what does that mean. . . I just broke the generic Read More

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