Crom84 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Procrastination has been said to be a killer of time. Many have wasted their lives by procrastinating. This daily habit can be very destructive and if not well handled can lead to a disastrous business.

Procrastination typically begins when you start avoiding work that you don’t feel is inspir Read More

When does a new business need its own credit card?

When does a new business need its own credit card? - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Finance
From 4147 days ago
Made Hot by: moneymatters on February 25, 2013 8:57 pm
There are some compelling reasons why even a part-time entrepreneur whose business is run from his garden shed when he gets home from his day job should have a business credit card. Read More

AME Blog Carnival: Tips and Tricks for Writers and Authors

AME Blog Carnival: Tips and Tricks for Writers and Authors  - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Marketing
From 4147 days ago
Made Hot by: moneymatters on February 25, 2013 8:58 pm
Welcome to the February 25, 2013 edition of tips and tricks for writers and authors. We have insights and ideas for writing, and self-publishing in this issue. We hope you enjoy the tips, and thank you to all of the contributors! Read More

Stay grounded or reach for the stars?

Stay grounded or reach for the stars?  - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Success Stories
From 4147 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on February 26, 2013 7:19 am
It's a face-off between two opposing strategies. Which do you prefer, to reach for the stars or to keep your eyes on the path ahead of you? Read More

Constructive Criticism is an Oxymoron

Constructive Criticism is an Oxymoron  - Avatar Posted by CIKMarketing under Public Relations
From 4147 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on February 26, 2013 1:09 pm
The critic never takes responsibility for his judgement. Because owning that judgement is hard. I urge you to try it. Walk up to an art student and tell them you think they’re talentless. Or tell an entrepreneur, someone who’s just sunk their life’s savings into an idea, that you think what they’re Read More

How to Overcome Timidity in Life and Business

How to Overcome Timidity in Life and Business  - Avatar Posted by bigmoneyweb under Strategy
From 4147 days ago
Made Hot by: MarkT on February 26, 2013 8:20 pm
So you know that Timidity has to do with shyness and fear; not being able to embrace that which you wanted to as at when apt. Perhaps what you didn’t know was that timidity could make you end up at the back burner.

No timid person ever goes far in life.Rather they ended up languishing in their c Read More

Obamacare Taxes Are Coming -- Here Are 6 Ways To Limit What You Owe

Obamacare Taxes Are Coming -- Here Are 6 Ways To Limit What You Owe  - Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Taxes
From 4147 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on February 26, 2013 1:15 pm
We all want to keep as much of our own money as possible, right? These simple moves to minimize the impact of Obamacare could save you thousands on your 2013 taxes. Read More
For your business to reach its break-even point, it needs to sell a certain number of volumes. As a little illustration, General Motors, in 2011 had their break-even point in 2011, when they sold two million vehicles.

Even though General Motors is a large business corporation, small businesses n Read More

How To Use Google+ For Your Local Small Business

How To Use Google+ For Your Local Small Business - Avatar Posted by k2seo under Social Media
From 4150 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on February 27, 2013 2:01 pm
Small Business owners may wonder how Google+ is good for them, and social media expert Don Campbell, who was recently interviewed by James Martell on Coffee Talk, an extremely popular podcast on internet marketing, said that every business owner, big or small, owes it to themselves to have a presen Read More
Many people are under the impression that making money on the internet is as simple as tying your shoes, and that all you have to do is throw together a website and then sit back and watch the money come pouring in while you do nothing. Read More

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