Crom84 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

21 Cheap Business Ideas

21 Cheap Business Ideas - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Startups
From 4152 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on February 21, 2013 8:52 pm
Many people are tempted to try earning a living outside of traditional employment but are daunted by thoughts of franchise fees, employee salaries or overwhelming equipment costs prior to making any income from a venture. Here are twenty-one cheap business ideas. Read More

It Is Better to Be Sorry Than Safe

It Is Better to Be Sorry Than Safe  - Avatar Posted by CIKMarketing under Startups
From 4152 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on February 21, 2013 6:35 pm
The connection economy embraces the artist rather than the administrator. Because the artist isn’t organized. He isn’t regimented or regulated – half the time his socks don’t match and he can’t find his keys. The artist is difficult to contain, define, or predict.

But a part of us always wants t Read More

The 5 Most Common Tax Deductions

The 5 Most Common Tax Deductions  - Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Taxes
From 4152 days ago
Made Hot by: blogexpert on February 21, 2013 5:30 pm
From retirement account contributions to self-employment expenses, don't overlook these five common tax deductions. Read More

Design A 'Start Here' Page That Delivers Great Results

Design A 'Start Here' Page That Delivers Great Results - Avatar Posted by tomshark under Direct Marketing
From 4152 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on February 22, 2013 11:37 pm
This is great for helping your relationship with newbies, but it will also allow you to listen to everything people want to know the answer to. It’s like doing market research without leaving your site. Read More

Tax Time: Do You Have to Pay Taxes on Credit Card Rewards?

Tax Time: Do You Have to Pay Taxes on Credit Card Rewards? - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Taxes
From 4158 days ago
Made Hot by: Young on February 20, 2013 5:30 pm
The question of whether or not your credit card rewards are income — and reportable to the IRS — depends on whether you are dealing with a rebate or a windfall. If it’s a windfall, you are supposed to report it as income and pay taxes on it. If it’s a rebate, though, you are in the clear. The good Read More
Having your shipping addresses sent to your shipping carrier or Paypal where you can print all of your labels in bulk is all fine and good. But there are still a few tedious steps that you’ll need to eliminate to handle higher volumes. Read More

5 Ways To Get The Right People Talking About Your Website

5 Ways To Get The Right People Talking About Your Website - Avatar Posted by tomshark under Public Relations
From 4159 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on February 14, 2013 1:44 pm
Boring people don’t attract anyone, and followers don’t attract followers. That being said, you’ll need to be a leader, be innovative, and do something new and challenging. Put it out there for everyone to see. Read More

So-Called "Amazon Tax" Threatening IN and FL Small Businesses

So-Called "Amazon Tax" Threatening IN and FL Small Businesses - Avatar Posted by prussakov under Taxes
From 4166 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on February 8, 2013 12:30 am
While the mass media focuses their "analyses" on Amazon, (a) it isn't Amazon, but in-state consumers who will have to pay the tax, and (b) it isn't Amazon (alone) who will suffer, but thousands of small businesses run by Indiana- and Florida-based affiliate marketers. We've seen major e-tailers ter Read More

Company Benefits and Personal Health Insurance Options

Company Benefits and Personal Health Insurance Options - Avatar Posted by crom84 under Employee Benefits
From 4168 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on February 5, 2013 5:13 pm
In some cases SMBs should consider using personal health insurance plans for their employee benefits. Read More

Outsourcing IT: What If It Blows Up in Your Face?

Outsourcing IT: What If It Blows Up in Your Face? - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Human Resources
From 4168 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on February 5, 2013 12:33 pm
Banks and other businesses have long been outsourcing some of their IT operations in order to save time and money. One of the problems with outsourcing IT, though, is that it can make your business vulnerable. If you are a financial institution or other business that specializes in sensitive inform Read More

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