Crom84 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

We know that the web is now filled with infographics. Is it still possible to come up with infographics that stand out and get attention from the mass? Read More

Does Google think it’s God?

Does Google think it’s God?  - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From 4219 days ago
Made Hot by: tomshark on December 17, 2012 7:50 pm
It occurred to me that Google plays God in another way, too. Google looks at your website on the Internet that same way as God looks at you. Read more... Read More

Everyone Knows SEO Status Quo

Everyone Knows SEO Status Quo - Avatar Posted by tomshark under Online Marketing
From 4220 days ago
Made Hot by: BIZantium on December 15, 2012 6:30 am
If you are living in Google’s past, rather than the reality of today’s Google, you could be in for a disappointment. To help you better get the differences between Google today and yesterday, here are four faulty assumptions about SEO. Read More
What does your Chief Technology Officer do all day? Often times, it seems like people are thinking it's synonymous with "that guy who gets paid to sit in the corner and think 'technical' deep thoughts" or "that guy who gets to swoop in a rearrange my project at the last minute on a whim." I've trie Read More

Social Media for IT Professionals: 7 Trends to Follow

Social Media for IT Professionals: 7 Trends to Follow - Avatar Posted by tcamba under Social Media
From 4221 days ago
Made Hot by: tomshark on December 17, 2012 8:03 pm
Information technology professionals need to follow social media trends: social business, internal collaboration, content marketing, listening, big data & compliance. Read More
While for many students, starting a business may seem like an idea for the distant future, Liam Neal explains how he started up in between lectures. Read More
Spend money on your branding once you have your product or service offering figured out and are ready to connect with the market. Read More
Ho ho ho! Holiday shopping has officially begun. And it’s going to be a great season! In fact, the National Retail Federation (NFR) predicts that holiday sales this year will increase 4.1 percent to $586.1 billion this season. That’s just [...] Read More
Inventory is one of the top expenses for a small business and keeping that balance between overspending and overstocking is often tricky. You want to have what people want to buy the moment they walk in your store. Yet excess inventory can mean the difference between a profitable quarter and one th Read More

This book is full of sh*t

This book is full of sh*t  - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Marketing
From 4225 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on December 10, 2012 1:10 pm
“Cooking with Poo” for a cookbook title? Marketing genius? Translation fail? Gross-out flop? Take the poll at the end of the post. Read More

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