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Google Plus rolls out Communities feature

Google Plus rolls out Communities feature - Avatar Posted by cendrinemedia under Social Media
From 4225 days ago
Made Hot by: zioncampo on December 10, 2012 2:33 pm
If you were on Google+ on Thursday, you probably discovered a new tab called “Communities” in your left sidebar.

This feature allows any member of the social network to create public and / or private groups centered around specific hobbies, interests, topics, or organizations. Read More
They say that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and when you relate this to business, there are many different ways you can interpret this cliché.
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Between blog posts, social media updates, daily blog reading, and reading other people’s social stream – feeding your content marketing efforts has become overwhelming. There’s too much content to create for too many sources. There’s no way to do it all.

You’re right. So why not combine some of Read More
Learning to communicate to a global audience is one key to success in international markets. Sometimes it can be the greatest challenge. Here some members of the BizSugar community talk about the difficulties involved. Read More

How to Develop a Blog Business Plan

How to Develop a Blog Business Plan - Avatar Posted by BizRock under Strategy
From 4228 days ago
Made Hot by: smallbizwoman on December 6, 2012 3:22 pm
The longer I do this blogging gig, the more I realize that having a blog business plan in place is important for turning your blog into a business.
Okay, if you have a blog going and never developed a blog business plan, don’t fret, you can always develop a plan now for going forward. Read More
The executive summary is a crucial part of your business plan. whether you are a Start-up or Growing Business It is the first - and possibly last! - thing that an investor, bank or partner will read. They say that people make up their mind about someone within seconds of meeting. Read More
When it comes to maintaining an effective and engaging social presence with your brand, approaching them with a united, focused vision will give you the best results. We’ve covered ways to get your brand’s Facebook page ready for the holidays, and ways for brand marketers to get the most out of Twe Read More
 I love online small business forum and bookmarking sites.  If you have the time, they are wonderful sources of information.  Other small business owners share their knowledge and expertise related to their respective field and this in turn help aspiring and new small business owners tweak and fine Read More

5 Tips for a Fantastic LinkedIn Profile

5 Tips for a Fantastic LinkedIn Profile - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From 4233 days ago
Made Hot by: Squawk Media on December 2, 2012 12:23 am
Searching for a job can seem like a daunting task. Besides trying to stay sane during your unemployment, there is a lot of work that goes into finding a new job. But whether you are diligently searching for that next Read More
I have been using three popular social sharing co-op services for a while now. These help spread your content across social networks like Twitter and FaceBook. Here is my review of each, based on my experience, and recommendations on when to use each one. Read More

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