Dreamwithdeadline voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If B2B marketing emails could talk

Avatar Posted by suzyQ under Direct Marketing
From http://www.youtube.com 5556 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 20, 2009 8:28 pm
A humorous British skit on classic mistakes made by B2B email newsletters: failure to deliver value, use of no-reply addresses, poor targeting, failed personalisation, etc...have fun. Read More

The Art of the 60-Second Tutorial

The Art of the 60-Second Tutorial - http://blogs.openforum.com Avatar Posted by suzyQ under Marketing
From http://blogs.openforum.com 5556 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on April 18, 2009 2:35 pm
Video tutorials are usually long, drawn out and boring. Guy Kawasaki offers some examples of great tutorials that are around 60 seconds and would be a great way to explain what your company does on your website. Read More

115 Marketing Strategies For Small Business

115 Marketing Strategies For Small Business - http://www.toiletpaperentrepreneur.com Avatar Posted by JohnH under Marketing
From http://www.toiletpaperentrepreneur.com 5556 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on April 18, 2009 2:35 pm
The most common question entrepreneurs ask is “how can I improve my marketing with no or little money?” With this in mind, Mike Michalowicz, the Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, asked for help from the TPE community and here is what he got— 115 ideas. Skim them or read them in detail, but whatever you do make sure you go through the list. Just one of Read More

How to Cut Payroll Costs Without Layoffs

How to Cut Payroll Costs Without Layoffs - http://www.businessweek.com Avatar Posted by mssux under Management
From http://www.businessweek.com 5556 days ago
Made Hot by: camb on April 18, 2009 9:32 am
Aside from the personal toll, losing highly skilled workers can inflict long-term damage on a business, making it hard to bounce back and forcing managers to spend precious time and money recruiting and training when conditions improve. Yet many entrepreneurs are trimming payroll costs without laying off hard-to-replace employees. Naturally, t Read More

Small businesses face more credit card cuts

Small businesses face more credit card cuts - http://www.kiplinger.com Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Raising Capital
From http://www.kiplinger.com 5562 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 13, 2009 10:44 pm
Credit card banks aren't through cutting credit card lines. By 2010, about 20% less credit -- a drop of $1 trillion -- will be available via plastic. Small businesses, about half of which rely on credit cards either to finance their operations or as a safety net, will feel the pinch. Higher credit lines won't come back after the recession, eith Read More

What to Do if Your Startup Is Failing

What to Do if Your Startup Is Failing - http://www.businessweek.com Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Strategy
From http://www.businessweek.com 5562 days ago
Made Hot by: Funster on April 13, 2009 10:43 pm
The founder of Silicon Alley Reporter and Mahalo.com offers advice from the trenches to entrepreneurs in trouble. We're going to find out who the real entrepreneurs are in 2009 because they are going to spend another 12 months, on top of the last six, cleaning up the mess. It will be two years of total pain, so before we go any further, you g Read More

The Vanity Advantage

The Vanity Advantage - http://smallbizbee.com Avatar Posted by smallbizbee under Strategy
From http://smallbizbee.com 5563 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 14, 2009 5:00 pm
Want to give your business an advantage? It's time to start getting vain then! Read More

Doing The WalkAround

Doing The WalkAround - http://www.withoutwarningcoach.com Avatar Posted by RJohnson4444 under Management
From http://www.withoutwarningcoach.com 5564 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 13, 2009 3:10 pm
In my book Without Warning, I present that C-Level Executives often are at a disadvantage to understand their organizations and how they really work. When this occurs, Silent Problems tend to form, which commonly morph over time, eventually becoming toxic in nature. So what was initially just a problem becomes a significant problem with unintended Read More
Forget about the revenge of the nerds. The technology elite (think Bill Gates, Mark Cuban) are now called "geeks," thank you very much, and they've gone beyond revenge to earn respect as a potent market segment. Geeks are smart, but skeptical, and savvy marketers need to approach them the right way. Here are some surefire ways to reach and win Read More

Keeping Score - Measuring the Effectiveness of Content

Keeping Score - Measuring the Effectiveness of Content - http://blog.junta42.com Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From http://blog.junta42.com 5564 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 13, 2009 3:09 pm
Right now, maybe more than ever, your content marketing efforts deserve a little measurement. Amidst budget cuts and strapped resources, elements of a marketing communication plan that lack at least some metrics linking back to effectiveness tend to be early casualties. “Nice to have” is often “first to go.” Read More

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