Elainerogers voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In the U.S. they call it face management. This is to describe those managers who think that they need to see your face or at least to be in or near your space, so as to ensure that you are doing your work. Read More
How can businesses target their ideal customer using their website? Here are some practical tips that you can use on your own website. Read More
I had the opportunity to work with some great B2B sellers and sophisticated process driven buyers over the past month from London, Brisbane, Dublin and New York. While working with them, we noted a number of key insights... Read More
A quick guide on how to perform a local search audit for your business. Focusing on your local listing is a great way to keep the phone ringing. Read More
We all know that training is an integral part of our personal and professional development. But what about coaching? Coaching has been perceived as a lot of things, but up to recently, has rarely been synonymous with Training, especially technical-style training. Read More
So when you build a relationship online, to actually meet offline is such a bonus. The debate will go on for decades whether online relationships are possible. For me particularly, trust is key. Read More
We hear a lot of goal setting and, as a coach, this is one of the most common activities I do with my clients. So how could goal setting be bad? Read More
Facebook's terms of service are pretty clear! Facebook pages are for businesses and Facebook profiles are for people. So why then have some businesses set up and persevered with a profile? Read More

Help Prevent VAT Fraud: Get Your Invoices Right

Help Prevent VAT Fraud: Get Your Invoices Right  - http://bloggertone.com Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Taxes
From http://bloggertone.com 4863 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Tribe on March 11, 2011 12:17 am
I have seen many invoices; some are laid out correctly, some don’t give the required information and some could be easily copied for Vat and accounts fraud Read More
Ask anyone what they want in life and the chances are the replies will go along the lines of “to be happy”. Happiness is an emotional state and I can teach you how to be happy right now if you wanted... Read More

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