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One year. 14,000 votes for your articles. Almost 2,000 comments left.

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Need I say more? Happy Anniversary! Read More

51 Free Resources For Small Businesses

51 Free Resources For Small Businesses  - http://bloggertone.com Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Resources
From http://bloggertone.com 4757 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on June 24, 2011 4:59 pm
I was inspired by the question: What are the best free resources for a startup? to organize a list of free resources for small businesses. Here’s the list broken up by category. All of the below resources are either completely free or offer a trimmed down free plan. Read More
As most businesses using Facebook should know by now they must create a Facebook Business Page and not use a personal profile for their business. Here are some hints on how to best use your Facebook page and new applications that are useful for getting likes and engaging with your followers. Read More
With more sellers chasing fewer customers these days, do B2B buyers have the upper hand? Well, according to buyers themselves, the answers is yes. However, it’s also apparent that some B2B sellers are leaving themselves vulnerable to manipulation... Read More
It’s been bothering me for a while that when it comes to online business networking, I seem to be living in two different worlds. First, there’s work; where EVERYTHING I read tells me that everyone is on Twitter - you must have an active presence there in order to network effectively, and to grow a Read More

Nice Bloggers Finish Last

Nice Bloggers Finish Last  - http://bloggertone.com Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Social Media
From http://bloggertone.com 4759 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on June 23, 2011 2:16 pm
Internet marketers can learn a lot from the X Factor. Take Simon Cowell. He’s not a particular nice guy but he’s interesting (and usually right). Louis Walsh is nice but... Also The Apprentice. Sir Alan Sugar looks mean and cuts wannabes down to size. And that’s part of the attraction. Read More
The inaugural Bloggers International meeting will take place in Portlaoise, Ireland and Chipping Norton, England on 29th June at 7.30pm. Read More
SMEs often have an uneasy relationship with the Internet. It’s a problem with many dimensions. Let's find ways to empower SMEs to get information they need. Read More
Many businesses are a little behind when it comes to doing business online, particularly small businesses. Their reluctance is often due to high cost and the fact that they cannot see a huge return on investment. This is not helped by some companies charging exorbitant fees or not being clear about Read More
Uncertainty is so omnipresent right now. It evokes varying emotions given all the disruption we’re dealing with. And yet, disruptors are merely... Read More

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