Elainerogers voted on the following stories on BizSugar

a CSR policy is not just for Christmas, it is for the entire year and is something that every organisation large and small should consider. Read More
With 2012 on the horizon and the final days of 2011 fast approaching, I thought I would take a look back at our 10 most popular posts here at Bloggertone from the last twelve months . Read More

Presentation Tips - The GROW Model of presenting

Presentation Tips - The GROW Model of presenting  - http://bloggertone.com Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Sales
From http://bloggertone.com 4570 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on January 2, 2012 4:58 pm
Do you struggle with the thought of presenting? Speaking in public? Standing up in a meeting to demo something or show some charts? Well read on and learn how you can make it easier for yourself. Read More
After my Lynne Allbutt interview I realised that planning, creating and maintaining a garden can be similar to starting a business and ensuring it “grows”. Read More

Controversy - Packing A Powerful Marketing Punch

Controversy - Packing A Powerful Marketing Punch  - http://bloggertone.com Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From http://bloggertone.com 4592 days ago
Made Hot by: sprint01 on December 7, 2011 7:18 pm
Yes it can cause hullabaloo and while 50% of the audience may despise your techniques, 50% may indeed love it. Don’t be nervous of stirring the pot if you feel you’re not going to cause major offence. Read More
Recording the details of a sales meeting with a pen and paper divides a lot of professional salespeople.I remain a firm believer in the value of taking notes, here's why: Read More
Recently I was drawn into an argument, oh let's call it a debate, about whether a brand name should be based on the truth or not. Read More
Having stellar managers in charge of different facets of the company, be they CFO’s, COO’s, CEO’s, the head of production etc. can make the difference between a company that is growing and always looking ahead and companies that are struggling to just stay afloat. Read More
2010 was also the year Frank Hannigan became Executive Chairman of Goshido, an Irish Software Start Up company. Frank single-handedly used LinkedIn in order to raise $230,000. This all happened in eight days. Read More
Are you looking for proven ways to grow fans on your Facebook page? Are you a page admin that would like to know how to build strong relationships with fans and turn them into customers and advocates for your brand? Read More

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