Ioninteractive voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you're running B2B lead generation site utilizing Wordpress, you'll want to have a look at this article: Tracking Wordpress Contacts in Google Analytics. Read More
The rumblings you may have heard are true: call tracking reveals granular data – down to the PPC keyword level.

Whether you’re spending $600 a month on marketing or six figures, it’s imperative to know how your online marketing efforts effect your offline sales conversions (phone leads). Read More
Email marketing tips for small business is a topic that can’t be talked about enough. Here are 12 proven email marketing tips that will help elevate your business. Read More
There are five general stages every marketer goes through while exploring and developing a relationship with Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). Which stage are you on? Read More
You shouldn’t spend money on advertising to new people if your current visitors aren’t converting.

Let me repeat that: You shouldn’t spend money on advertising to new people if your current visitors aren’t converting.

Let is sink in. Read More
Google has been testing a new keyword tool for months, but now they've axed the old tool and search-based keyword tool in favor of the new tool. Hope you like it. Read More
There are four main types of landing experiences we recommend sending campaign traffic to, and two landing experiences that organic traffic goes to. Are you familiar with all six types? Read More

Be Remarkable: Take That Idea and Own It!

Avatar Posted by st0n3y under Online Marketing
From 5098 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Manifesto on September 27, 2010 11:40 pm
It is possible to take an old idea, re-invent it, and make it yours. But, it has to be unique. You gotta take it and own it! Make it remarkable. More on that in this article...enjoy! Read More
One of the best places to begin integrating your social and search marketing strategy is on the thank you or confirmation page shown to the customer immediately after they have completed a goal from your search engine marketing (i.e. filling out a contact form, making a purchase, etc.). Read More
Learn how (or if) Google Instant will affect your online marketing (affiliate, PPC, SEO, and anything else that's SEM-dependent) Read More

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