Ivanpw voted on the following stories on BizSugar

One of the biggest mistakes small business owners make during the start-up phase is misunderstanding their tax obligations - particularly estimated taxes. But what are estimated taxes? Who must pay them and how? This article explains some facts from the IRS to help new small business owners understand their estimated tax obligations Read More

75 Big Marketing Ideas for Small Marketing Budgets

Avatar Posted by karenswim under Marketing
From http://smallbizbee.com 5222 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on June 1, 2010 5:02 pm
Looking for some ways to get a big bang from your marketing buck? Well here are 75 BIG marketing ideas to get you started - and you won't need a six-figure marketing budget to implement them Read More
Outsourcing has risen up in recent times due to increasing cost of production, labor cost, taxes and other many direct or indirect expenses. More on outsourcing Read More
Many want to be entrepreneurs with one vision: Getting rich and be able to buy whatever they want. However, there is one main key to success: watch your spending. Here are some case studies to learn from Read More
In this article I want to be totally honest with you: Whenever you encounter such offer, my only suggestion for you would be to stay away, even run away from them Read More
Small business owners: Regardless of your educational background, you need to take courses on taxes - or at least, take self study courses Read More
Despite what some experts claiming that making money online is not that hard, the rest of us are still struggling, trying to make money online as a living, dollar by dollar, even cents by cents. Here's how to better your chances by establishing a blog network Read More
How do you communicate and interact in social media? Is your social presence respectful and in line with your business Read More
In short no, directory submissions do not work, at least in my opinion and experience. But this would be a very short post if that was all I had to say, let me tell you some more about why I believe submitting your sites details etc to endless directories across the globe simply do not work Read More
Selling your business is one form of business succession planning. Planning how you will exit your business is important Read More

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