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Social Media Blues

Avatar Posted by pathenry123 under Social Media
From http://smallbusinesscommunity.blogspot.com 5218 days ago
Made Hot by: JanetG on June 4, 2010 4:52 pm
It's been really difficult to find time to blog for the last few weeks, and I have a feeling it's going to get worse before it gets better. I'm taking a couple of evening classes that have turned out to be more time consuming than I expected, plus I've taken on a slightly larger role at work. Add in a little time for exercise (including the mountain bike I bought recently), and a very little time for relaxation, and I'm spent! I definitely enjoy blogging, especially when inspiration strikes, but lately it seems like I've been rushing through it so I can move on to the many other things I need to accomplish.. Read More
Using your business credit cards on regular basis, you might not be aware of the amount of credit card charges if you make a late payment or exceed your credit limits Read More
We're seeing from sources that the massive financial reform package passed recently by the U.S. Senate will not negatively impact investment in the small business and entrepreneurship community. Time will tell. Tighter regulation might certainly tend to further tighten bank lending but perhaps this isn't the best source of business financing anyway ... Read More
Accurate sales numbers help not only your company, but also you. Here are 6 tips you can use to help you create more accurate sales numbers Read More
There are always going to be challenges to deal with in selling, the question is how to not let them occur to begin with. If there hurdles you need to deal with regularly, why not just take them away.
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Small businesses can cut costs and reduce their carbon footprints as the use of technology increases. Some tips on taking a green approach to office technology Read More
I am not experienced as an entrepreneur. I started as a blogger and freelancer and only in couple of years I accumulated some budget solid enough to start a new project of my own Read More
Lawyers are integral to a successful start-up, despite being costly. The key is understanding and managing their role, as well as the legal costs Read More
As a small business owner, you are doing the best to cut costs. I discover this online printing service giveaway you and I can take benefit from Read More
Choosing which legal form your business will take is an important decision every entrepreneur must make, and the decision should be made early on in the process of starting a business Read More

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