Leonesimmy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you are a shareholder of a Limited Company and you die, the shares will go to whoever inherits them under a will or through intestacy. The deceased person’s shareholder will be administered by the executors of the will or if there is no will left, then through administrators of the estate. Read More

How to Improve Self-Confidence?

Avatar Posted by CorporateCoachG under Self-Development
From http://corporatecoachgroup.com 3719 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on July 31, 2014 12:13 pm
Many people feel that a lack of self-confidence is holding them back.

Conversely, if they knew how to gain more self-confidence, they would be able to make more progress.

So the question is: How can you improve self-confidence.

If you want to know, please read on ....
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What Startups Need to Know About Exit Strategies

Avatar Posted by PASjonathan under Startups
From http://articles.bplans.com 3720 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on July 28, 2014 12:32 pm
Exit strategies related to startup funding are quite often misunderstood: The “exit” in exit strategy is for the money, not the startup founders or small business owners. The company brings in money and the investors get money out. Read More
A moderate level of stress can motivate you, but too much will take a serious toll on your health and well-being. No matter what’s happening around you at work this summer, these tips by Nellie Akalp, CEO of CorpNet.com, can help you stay calm. Read More

New Facebook Buy Button is Currently in Testing

Avatar Posted by Jed under Social Media
From http://smallbiztrends.com 3720 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on July 29, 2014 6:20 am
Facebook has begun testing a new Facebook Buy Button that will allow customers to buy directly from ads and news feeds. As of now, the new feature is only available to a few select U.S. businesses, but others are clamoring to get in line to test the new feature. Read More

The Internet Will Look Like This In 100 Years

Avatar Posted by franpro under Technology
From http://www.franchisebizdirectory.com 3720 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on July 28, 2014 12:39 pm
Take a peek at this incredible infographic on how the internet will look...in a century from now. You'll love it! And, you'll want to show it to your geeky friends. Read More
Going paperless is helping companies save time and money, while getting even more done. Don't know how to get started? These six tools can help you start going paperless. Read More
Elevator pitches should be as natural and conversational as possible, while still accomplishing the goals of informing and showcasing your company (or yourself). This balance often requires practice. Read More
Nominations are now open for the 2014 Small Business Influencer Awards. This is your chance, fellow franchise professionals, to nominate the most influential franchise brands and individuals in our industry. Read More

Big Data & Small Business Marketing

Avatar Posted by tomshark under Advertising
From http://www.capturecommerce.com 3721 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on July 29, 2014 7:41 pm
It’s about your ability to respond in a timely fashion. If so, you can do things, but the question is how do you respond and the more data you have the more options you have for response. Read More

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