Lkpetrolino voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It is a common misconception among many business people and creative professionals that copyright law or some other law inherently protects their "ideas" from misappropriation. In fact, copyright law does not protect ideas themselves, but only protects creative expressions of ideas fixed in a tangi Read More
If you live in a climate with all four seasons, you bear witness to how the old falls away and everything stills in preparation for new growth and prosperity. In what season is your business? Is it fall, winter, spring or summer?
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From March Madness to the Super Bowl, over 40 million employees have participated in office pools during paid office hours according to a study done by There are two schools of thought in dealing with these gambling pools. Many employees use these times as ‘watercooler talk’ an Read More
Needless to say, I love entrepreneurs that use their successes and experience to help guide and inspire others. I see entrepreneurship as a bit of a exclusive club, like a fraternity or sorority...we all give our secret entrepreneur handshake and share club secrets with each other in order to help Read More
When you are starting a business it is really hard to find the money to get started. Everything takes capital, and especially if you are self financed, sometimes the coffers run a little shallow. Many of us have the luxury of working in an office without walls. We work from our house, from coffee s Read More
Regardless of the industry, purpose or intended audience of your website, it almost always makes sense to incorporate a customized Terms of Use Agreement into the structure of the site. A customized and carefully-tailored Privacy Policy may be necessary as well, depending on the types of informatio Read More
Have you ever felt like a hamster running full speed on a wheel, getting nowhere fast? Agitation and frustration are the two common warning signs that you might be on the verge of overload. It’s easy to get caught up in the frenzy of working hard to build your business, and feeling stuck at the s Read More
Let’s face it, few small business owners rarely smile when confronted with the acronym OSHA. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration conjure up scary thoughts for owners thinking unnecessary regulations and oversight into our businesses. Various state regulation agencies offer similar il Read More
I first found Amy Harrison on Larry Keltto's Solopreneur Hero List and was instantly impressed by the many resources she provided for entrepreneurs and business owners. I immediately knew that I needed to have her as an expert. Every business needs a story and good copy writing is how you use that Read More
Guest post by Laura Petrolino Almost anyone can develop a great idea, few can turn that idea into a successful and sustainable business. The line between a Read More

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