Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A picture is worth a thousand words, but the caption makes you click through - and click throughs are kind of all that matters to anyone selling a product or service. Learn how including power words in social media marketing can improve interaction and conversions Read More
Social selling continues to be one of the rising stars of the sales industry as large and small businesses continue to incorporate in into their existing processes. But what results are they seeing? How do they go about implementing social tactics? What challenges do they face?

Here's an infogra Read More
Have you ever considered open sourse solutions? Here is a short review with some information you should keep in mind. Read More
“I used my extrovert skills.” “I had to learn some extrovert skills.” “Oh, well, I don’t have extrovert skills.” I hear these phrases all the time – and they drive me crazy. Read More
Everybody loves to travel especially for summer holidays; it’s like an annual ritual most people can’t skip. Travel is a popular niche when it comes to blogging and so many bloggers have been able to make money online via this niche. Below are powerful WordPress Plugins for hotel, room reservation Read More
Life Is Gonna Throw You Shit - What You Choose To Do With That Is Where Your Happiness Lies. There is no doubt that bad things happen to good people. You have the choice how you respond when the shit hits. YOU HAVE THE CHOICE. Read More
Though what you post has bearing on the response your social media activity generates, when is equally influential on the success of your campaign. Here’s a look at the best times to post on each social media channel. Read More
Auto-responders help you build loyalty and trust with your audience. Here are the four key-steps to set them up the right way. Read More
Video is often the best way to succinctly summarize the benefits of your products or service.

It’s easy for presentations, sales sheets or web site pages to use lots of words to try and explain something. Many times, the longer you speak or write, you don’t always add anything meaningf Read More

Top 10 Tips for First-time Entrepreneurs

Avatar Posted by previsomedia under Startups
From 3212 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on December 17, 2015 11:15 pm
Ten practical tips for first-time entrepreneurs that you can use to strike out into the world and become a successful entrepreneur. Read More

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