Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

You might have read a multitude of articles and books on productivity in the workplace, but how much thought have you put into the amount of quality sleep you get each night? There are plenty of different ways to increase your productivity, for sure, but one of the best you might not have considere Read More

What Is Going On With Google Plus?

Avatar Posted by mallton under Social Media
From 3350 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on July 31, 2015 10:43 am
There's been more news from Google about Google+ and once again, there's confusion and doubt about the network's future. But you may not be hearing all of the facts. Read More

Turn 2015 into Your Best Year Yet in 33 Steps

Avatar Posted by MyCorporation under Management
From 3350 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on July 31, 2015 10:45 am
It's not too late! Our guest poster this week gave us 33 steps to help us stay motivated for the last half of the year. Read More
What does it take to start the same business twice?Nellie Akalp is a serial entrepreneur.She started MyCorporation in 1997, a business that helps entrepreneurs start a business. By 2005 her business had a gross revenue of $1 million in sales a month.MyCorporation was sold for $20 million to Intuit. Read More
Since Google's implementation of Panda, many SEO's came under the impression that all offsite duplicate content is bad. However, these 9 successful businesses and bloggers show that syndication can result in a massive increase in SEO traffic when used properly. Read More
How can you meet customer expectations when you are marketing products. How can you meet those expectations when something goes wrong. This is not theory, this is true life! Read More
What are the ways businesses can add value to their business with link building services and web marketing initiatives? Read More
So while you are drowning in the belief that creating great content is the answer to all your struggles with blogging, you have to stop right there.

Great content is not enough. Great content alone won’t cut it.

So how to make word of mouth marketing work for you? Here's how! Read More
If you still think mobile isn't important to us content marketers ("hey, content is content, right?"), we found a few stats that might change your mind Read More
Google has announced that it is to rethink its social offering, Google+, in a blog post published yesterday.

Google+ has to this point been an integral part of the Google experience, with profiles required for all accounts for access to key services including Gmail and YouTube. Read More

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