Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A simple, yet detailed explanation of CDN and how it differs from caching. This post should help you decide whether you need a CDN or not! Read More

Management Training: Delegation

Avatar Posted by CorporateCoachG under Human Resources
From 3616 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on November 6, 2014 8:50 am
It is very important for managers to delegate properly, because nobody has sufficient energy, information or time to personally do everything that needs to be done. Managers need to be trained how to: Delegate the right task to the right person. How would you do that?
Follow the six step delegatio Read More
Do you speak often and wonder how you can get paid to speak? Getting paid speaking gigs is a real possibility. When you’re paid to speak, you’re earning money to give your presentation and get clients at the same time. Just keep in mind that the speaking business can be an entire business in itself Read More
The question shouldn't be about whether to have an inbound OR an outbound strategy. Winning companies do both. Read More
So many entrepreneurs dream about being the next Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg. To get started making that dream a reality you have to perfect your pitch and expose your ideas to people who matter.

You’d be hard pressed to find more relevant people to pitch your idea to than at the 7th annual SX Read More
Want to improve your marketing automation ROI? The key is making sure you have the right processes and team in place. Read More
As Halloween approaches, let’s take a look at the “monsters” who can drain the life out of your content … and how to avoid them. Read More
Close to 80 percent of websites don’t launch on time because the content needed from the client isn’t delivered on time.

You’ve probably had this experience. You’re all excited for a new website, you set a launch date, and then you are asked for content, images, videos, and audio files that don’ Read More
Despite signs of the economy emerging from recession, restaurants such as Café Rouge continue to suffer insolvency. Hear how they are struck hard... Read More
Most small business owners are concerned with managing costs, and dividends are often drawn instead of salary for directors to reduce the amount of tax payable. But when a company enters a formal insolvency these dividends can then be classified as illegal and reclaimed when the company is insolvent Read More

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