Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you want to keep your audience engaged (and possibly spending money), there are a few cool ideas that can help you propel your business to the next level. Read More
Robots invade Lowe’s, Google moves into the healthcare space, and how consumers really feel about streaming video. Read More
We hear stories every day about average people achieving incredible results in a wide variety of arenas. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs who come from humble beginnings have varied stories, but common struggles and means of survival.
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Bootstrapping Organic Growth Makes Startup Sense

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 3612 days ago
Made Hot by: luvhealthcare on November 9, 2014 12:45 am
When someone asks me for the best way to fund a startup, I always say bootstrap it, meaning fund it yourself and grow organically. Bootstrapping avoids all the cost, pain, and distractions of finding angels or VCs, and allows you to keep control and all your hard-earned equity for yourself. Despite Read More
What does it take to discover, accelerate, and invest in exceptional women entrepreneurs?
Even though data shows that venture-backed, female-run companies produce higher returns, there are too few women in startups. Read More
What does it take to discover, accelerate, and invest in exceptional women entrepreneurs?
Even though data shows that venture-backed, female-run companies produce higher returns, there are too few women in startups. Read More
The most common intended purpose of a key man policy is to fund a buy/sell agreement. The benefit payment goes to the company, which in turn uses the proceeds to purchase ownership from the family or estate of the deceased. If it works that way, it’s an excellent planning tool for your family’s sec Read More
It’s no wonder that Spanish is becoming increasingly important and valuable within a business context.
Many of the world’s emerging economies are from Spanish-speaking countries. Numerous reports in Forbes, The FT and Euromonitor indicate the stronger players in the Central and Latin American mar Read More
If you are a new entrepreneur and wanted to start a business, you will have lot of inhibitions whether this business will succeed or fail?, what happens if it fails ? and what happens if it gets success ?, you wanted to play a safe game by selecting business partner, you are prepared to share ever Read More

Six Figure Salary A Year Blogging ~ 8 week training program!

Avatar Posted by enstine under Online Marketing
From 3614 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on November 6, 2014 5:16 pm
Want to generate 6 figure income online? Get the right training and follow the steps of already successful bloggers. Zac Johnson and other industry leaders have come up with a must-join training platform. See details here Read More

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