Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

So many business owners are control freaks. Brad walks you through why and what you you need to do about it. Read More
This month I have been experimenting with a new way to make money from your blog’s subscribers, known as After Offers.

The results have been pretty impressive so I thought I’d share.

This post contains no affiliate links for After Offers nor have they asked me to write this post. Read More
40 Ways to Supercharge Creativity,how to become creative,top 10 tips for become creative,top 10 creative people Read More
Last week, UK bakery Greggs found itself on the wrong end of an internet prank (or possibly it was malicious) when its Google Places listing appeared with an altered logo. Underneath the logo itself, embedded in the image, new text had been added which read “serving s*** to scum for 70 years.” Read More
It is difficult to understand why some businesses do not invest in a professional website in this day and age of the internet. But there are in fact many companies who do not have their own internet presence. Read More
This blog documents the upcoming launch of my first SaaS product.

Seems I have been "two weeks from launch" for months now and this sheds some light on what has happened up to this point to cause delays. Read More

10 Things You Must Do to be Happy in Your Business

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Management
From 3667 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on September 15, 2014 8:13 am
Owning a business can be challenging and stressful, and most certainly can take its toll. Here are a few tips for remaining happy in the workplace. Read More
Job candidates have never been in a better position to research potential employers, and employees have never been more empowered to spill it all when it comes to reviewing their current workplace. Sites like Glassdoor, Vault and CareerLeak give interview candidates and employees the unprecedented Read More

How NOT to use LinkedIn for Business!

Avatar Posted by JVRudnick under Online Marketing
From 3667 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on September 15, 2014 8:33 am
You know I’m pretty easy going when it comes to marketing, in that I’ve about seen everthing, tried everything and yup, remembered what works and what didn’t work, but if there is one thing I do know it’s never ever do something stupid. Something that shows that you’re so much a newbie in marketing Read More

10 New Age Rules of Content Marketing

Avatar Posted by Kimberly721 under Online Marketing
From 3667 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on September 15, 2014 9:17 am
Marketers might continue to hail content marketing “King,” but that doesn’t mean this powerful strategy won’t continue to evolve. In fact, it’s changing every single day. As a business owner, you have to keep up with the constant changes if you want to use this strategy to grow your business. Probl Read More

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