Mssux voted on the following stories on BizSugar

5 Tips to Resolve Workplace Conflict as a Leader

Avatar Posted by WayneLiew under Human Resources
From 5380 days ago
Made Hot by: Margaret896 on January 16, 2010 2:03 am
It’s not the easiest of tasks being a leader – yes, you do have the advantage of holding a fancy title and commanding the troops, but on the downside, when something goes wrong, you’re the first one in the firing line. To prove that you’re a good and capable leader, you need to show that you can handle adverse situations adroitly. Read More
LinkedIn is without doubt a very valuable tool for anyone looking for a new job. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of LinkedIn: Read More
These "online reputation management" tools, as they're often referred to, will help you to define keywords, or phrases you wish to track and then watches for any mention of your company name, products, or services. Similar to High School reputations, protecting your image online is the name of the game, and just as in real life, everyone has one to maintain. Read More

Ask Scott Fox: Should I Start a Blog or a Website?

Avatar Posted by scottfox under Online Marketing
From 5390 days ago
Made Hot by: mssux on January 6, 2010 5:45 am
Blogs versus web sites: Is a blog or a web site better for your e-business? Which format should you choose to get started with your first web site, and what are the pros and cons of blogs compared to web sites?

Online marketing expert Scott Fox answers this Click Millionaire question to get going making money online. Read More

In an end of the year prediction post I wrote for OPEN Forum, I listed location aware social media tools as something that would get big time attention in 2010. (See: 5 Trends that Will Shape Small Business in 2010)

foursquare for businessThe idea behind location awareness is that people will use the GPS capabilities in today’s mobile devices to check-in, tweet, review, and refer and add the Read More

4 Signs Your Business Partnership will Fail | CFOwise

Avatar Posted by CFOWISE under Startups
From 5390 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 5, 2010 6:29 pm
Business partnerships are one of the most unique and trying relationships we will ever enter.  Some work, but most fail.  Here are some of the common signs that your partnership may be headed the wrong direction. Read More

Add the ReTweet button to Your Small Business Blog

Avatar Posted by ryantaft under Social Media
From 5390 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 5, 2010 4:31 pm
Twitter is an unbelievable information sharing tool. If you have a blog for your small business, then you should have the ReTweet button on each post. Read More

Advice On Running A Franchise As A Small Business

Avatar Posted by jsternal under Marketing
From 5390 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 5, 2010 2:31 pm
Is your small business a franchise, or are you interested in running a franchise? If so then you don’t want to miss the #smbiz Twitter chat on Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2010, from 8-9 pm ET. Join the first #smbiz chat of the new year for a special session focused on running a franchise. Joel Libava, The Franchise King, will be our special guest answering all kinds of questions that pertain to operating a Read More

Small Business - David Vs Goliath | Starting up

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Management
From 5390 days ago
Made Hot by: mssux on January 5, 2010 9:05 am
Those who have dared to establish their own businesses can feel very like the small boy in this photo! His stance says that he’s confident and able, but the task before him is gargantuan. When we look at the picture – we ask “what on earth does he have to do to win?”.

This challenge is not easy and should not be considered as such. Most business concepts have already been thought of or impleme Read More

Three Keywords for Year MMX = 2010

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Self-Development
From 5392 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 4, 2010 7:56 am
This first day of the year MMX, I have been contemplating about my three keywords for 2010. I will sit down and create a mindmap as Chris Brogan has done. I will use GoalEnforcer and Pulse Smartpen in order to capture my ideas and goals and put them on paper. I will listen to Dr. Edwin A. Locke's talk from 1985 (cassette tape), Setting Goals to Improve Your Life and Happiness. Read More

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