Mssux voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Worthwhile Small Business Technologies

Avatar Posted by mssux under Technology
From 6076 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 10, 2008 1:48 pm
I'd like to point out a few small business technologies (in no particular order) that I can proudly say are worthwhile, reliable, and will—drum roll, please—work. (Submitters note: While this is a good article, I think he should have replaced MS SQL with MySQL. It works like a charm and has a small business price tag -- free) Read More

Yahoo wipes out small business hosted storage limits

Avatar Posted by mssux under Technology
From 6077 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 8, 2008 8:35 pm
Yahoo Inc. this week introduced a new monthly Web Hosting service for small and medium sized businesses, which provides unlimited hosted storage capacity and bandwidth. Read More

Hacked: It Could Never Happen to My Site (Famous Last Words)

Avatar Posted by ksmith under Technology
From 6077 days ago
Made Hot by: klenronald on February 8, 2008 6:33 pm
With the millions of websites out there, you think you're safe. You think the statistics are in your favor. That your website would never get hacked. Well, I'm here to tell you it CAN happen to you. The Small Business Trends website was hacked this past Christmas Eve. What happened is part of a larger and disturbing trend in which small-business Read More

What's the Best Day & Time to Follow Up on Leads?

Avatar Posted by LaurenO under Sales
From 6095 days ago
Made Hot by: melanee on January 21, 2008 7:54 pm
If you think you know the best day or time to follow up on a Web-generated lead, you're probably wrong. Here's a peek at one marketer's results from a study on this issue. Read More

Top Ten Myths of Entrepreneurship

Avatar Posted by LaurenO under Startups
From 6095 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 22, 2008 1:51 am
Many entrepreneurs believe a bunch of myths about entrepreneurship, so here are ten of the most common and the realities that bust them: Read More

Business Groups Attack Stimulus Plan

Avatar Posted by jnelson under News
From 6096 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 21, 2008 6:57 pm
A White House plan to boost the nation's sagging economy will do little to help small businesses over the long haul, critics say. The proposed plan, which includes up to $145 billion in temporary tax cuts, is aimed at encouraging business owners to "expand their operations, create new jobs and inject new energy into our economy," President Bush Read More

What Apple Can Teach You About Marketing

Avatar Posted by mssux under Marketing
From 6104 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 14, 2008 1:01 am
Do we really need another post about how great Apple's marketing is? Absolutely! I thought this was a great summary. There are a lot of things small businesses can learn from Apple's success, and most of them easily translate from the corporate world to the small business world. The strategies that set Apple apart from its competitors are strate Read More

How to Conduct a Job Interview

Avatar Posted by dobbie under Human Resources
From 6104 days ago
Made Hot by: Shelly on January 16, 2008 1:19 am
Got a key position to fill? Hiring good employees is the foundation of any successful business. But selecting the right ones is hard work, and the interview process is often the most important step in the process. Here's how to figure out if the candidate sitting across from you is likely to become your next Employee of the Month. Read More

Guy Kawasaki "The Art of the Start" @ TiECon 2006

Avatar Posted by Becky under Startups
From 6108 days ago
Made Hot by: TimJustus on January 8, 2008 6:20 pm
Entrepreneurship expert Guy Kawasaki presents "Art of the Start" at TiECon 2006, sharing time-tested wisdom on how to succeed in starting a new product, a new service, a new company, a new anything. Read More

Top 9 Questions to Ask a Journalist When You're New to a Market

Avatar Posted by Becky under Public Relations
From 6108 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 10, 2008 6:02 pm
Many journalists will agree to a quick informational phone call with new marketing leaders, if you respectfully request it. Let them know the conversation will not run longer than 15 minutes and will be at a time of their convenience, and promise you will not pitch them during that time. You're seeking information so you can serve them better as a Read More

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