Mzsmart voted on the following stories on BizSugar

You may have heard of Google’s “20% Time”. The concept is simple — Google’s engineers are allowed to dedicate 20% of their working hours to personal projects.

You would be amazed at what products have come out of this initiative — Gmail and AdSense to name just two. That’s a pretty impressive ou Read More
If you really want to impress a startup founder as a potential employee, or you want to be a smart investor, you need to know the right questions to ask. These are the questions that get past the hype of a founder “vision to change the world,” and into the realm of real business strengths, weakness Read More
I get to see the pipelines of dozens of organizations and hundreds of sales people every year. After only about 15 minutes of review, too often what I see is a pipe dream, not a pipeline. The signs are easy: Read More
A brand entails both company name and what the product or service offered represents to customers. Branding is the process of determining, demonstrating and broadening equity in a certain venture. A brand results from customer perception rather than branding programs. Read More
Sun Tsu said, “Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.” The first thing you need to establish and define before you can truly evaluate your competition is to understand the difference between direct and indirect competition. Read More
SEO has changed over the last months to such an extent that not keeping up can seriously harm your websites' ranking. And let's face it - we are talking about Read More
Many entrepreneurs are not prepared for conflict, or actively avoid it. Their vision, passion, and focus are so strong that they can’t imagine someone disagreeing, much less fighting them to the death. But the reality is that startups are composed of smart people, with emotions as well as intellect Read More
Social media marketing can be one of the most effective options available to businesses wishing to market themselves and their products online. Unfortunately, in many cases, trying to make sense of the data produced by social media marketing can be more challenging than setting up the marketing cam Read More
These days every new entrepreneur understands that an innovative product or service is necessary, but not sufficient, to start a business. You have to build a web presence with marketing content to get visibility above the 300 million other new websites created last year, and attract the customers Read More
Not everyone is an author but the list of authors is growing in a self-publishing world. A lot of authors are searching for some great marketing strategies that they can use that will not cost them a fortune. Read More

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