Nic0las voted on the following stories on BizSugar

What would today’s digital marketer be without their digital tools?

One such tool is, which you may also know as Email Hunter.
Among other things, Email Hunter lets you:

. Find emails of people from any business and corporation
. Get emails from the websites you are surfing
. V Read More

The Top 45 Digital Marketing Articles for 2019

Avatar Posted by nic0las under Online Marketing
From 1843 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on July 13, 2019 10:11 am
The first half of 2019 is behind us. We gathered the Top Digital Marketing Articles so far. This is everything you missed! Read More
You read guides and tips on SEO every day.
But this is not your regular SEO read.

Buckle up and get ready for a journey through the History of Search Engines and SEO.

BONUS: SEO History Infographic Read More
Growth Conference Europe 2019: What was it all about?

GCE took place on 3rd & 4th of June in Milan: Two days dedicated to growth & digital marketing. We were there so you can know everything that happened. And so, we prepared this post in which you will find:

- All 24(!) speakers
- The summa Read More
Email marketing is one of the oldest branches of digital marketing. As such, countless posts and articles have been written about it, so much so that today you don’t really know what works and what doesn’t.

This is everything you need to know about email marketing in 2019.
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How to Deal with Angry Customers on Social Media

Avatar Posted by nic0las under Customer Service
From 1871 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on June 15, 2019 9:39 am
You know what they say: You can't please everyone.

Well, this shouldn't be the case for social media customer service.

When the sh1t hits the fan, someone's got to take the mop and clean the mess.

Are you that someone? Then this is for you!
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Responsive web design provides versatility and a smooth user experience. But what is responsive web design exactly and what are its benefits? Read More
What is brand storytelling? Why is it gaining momentum in the marketing world? Here's everything you need to know about brand storytelling + 3 case studies. Read More
Referral marketing and referral programs have become THE thing for healthy customer acquisition. Here are 7 ways to promote a referral program. Read More
Usually, companies give 10% of their revenue for marketing. Nonetheless, 5 big brands managed to build brand awareness with $0 on advertising spend. Read More

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