Nic0las voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Twitter Marketing: The Complete Guide to Event Targeting

Avatar Posted by nic0las under Social Media
From 1767 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on September 29, 2019 9:17 am
The Super Bowl, Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving…
There are so many events throughout the year - major or not.
Twitter Event Targeting makes it possible to easily connect your brand with your audience during those events and 2X your engagement rate.

Sounds too good?
Read Read More
1 out of 4 marketing emails will never reach the sender’s box.

The reason for this? Email spam filters.

But how can you stop this?
Here are 8 ways!
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60 characters. 10 words at best.

That’s all you have when you write a copy for GoogleAds.

Your creative arsenal in GoogleAds is pretty limited.
So you better make the most out of your PPC copywriting.

And this is how you do it! Read More
From first touchpoint to final purchase, mapping your customer's journey lets you understand more about them and increase your revenue.

But what happens when mapping isn’t a straight line?

This is where Facebook Attribution comes in.

And here's everything abou Read More

A Full Guide to Buyer Persona + Buyer Persona Template

Avatar Posted by nic0las under Online Marketing
From 1795 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on August 31, 2019 12:14 pm
Buyer Personas. Customer Avatars. Marketing Personas.

What are they?

What do they have in common with a target audience?

How do you create one?

Get in for a quick read about buyer personas and don't forget to grab your template on your way out!
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The sun is shining hot and bright.
The wind is blowing gently.
The sea is smooth and clear.
All aboard our ship for some pirate metrics!


Or else

Here’s ev Read More
You know how long the customer’s journey can be.

From Awareness to Decision and Retention, the journey has many stops.

And for every one of these stops, you will have to approach your potential customer differently.

So how do you do that in practice?
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Digital Marketing 101 - The 3 Elements of Successful Ads

Avatar Posted by nic0las under Online Marketing
From 1816 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on August 9, 2019 11:02 am
Today, we go back to basics.
The basics of digital marketing and advertising.

▪️ The buyer’s journey
▪️ The primary branches of digital marketing
▪️ What makes an ad successful

Most likely, you know these.
Or maybe you want a little refresh.
Either way, this is Digital Marketing 101.
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Adding a Smart App banner on your website comes with many benefits, as it:

▪️ Creates trust, since tapping it won’t direct them a third-party ad
▪️ Provides consistency on your App’s look and feel across the web
▪️ Doesn’t disrupt your user experience, as it’s positioned at Read More
If you have an eshop, you know how cart abandonment can be a downer. Don't worry though: Here are the Top 5 Cart Abandonment Solutions. Read More

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