Nic0las voted on the following stories on BizSugar

For the last years, Organic Facebook Reach is on the decline. What can you do how can you still reach your full potential on Facebook in 2019?

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FAAMG: Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google. The big five tech companies. Read about the five most historic acquisitions of each. Read More
Early startup traction can mean the difference between the success or failure of a startup. Here's the complete guide to getting it. Read More

Small Business News: Using Video For Social Media

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Social Media
From 5127 days ago
Made Hot by: Vincentcromine5 on July 14, 2010 7:00 am
Our latest post at the BizSugar blog shares some important small business news about the growing trend of online video and how it can improve your small business marketing efforts. As I've mentioned before, we'd love to see more video submissions here at BizSugar. Want to share a video link? Simply enter the Web address of a video post on YouTube or another favorite video site in the story url section while posting and start sharing your own favorite online small business videos with the bizSugar community Read More

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