Profmarketing voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Let's have a look at some of the most promising trends in the marketing world to look out for or try. You should stop using recent keyword data trends as they are becoming more and more unreliable. Optimize your website for mobile as more users take to using mobile over the more traditional compute Read More
Has your company thought of these 3 ways to align B2B sales and marketing, eliminating confusion about how to handle marketing-qualified leads? Read More
A typical week will contain at least half a dozen meetings for the average individual…and often, many more. Entrepreneurs, business owners and managers jam-packed days involve going from conference room to meeting room, jumping on GoToMeeting or Skype and springing from topic to topic. A meeting is Read More
Is everyone in your office happy and productive? A good office environment’s a difficult and time-consuming thing to get right, but is one of the most sought after requirements where talent’s concerned.
Asking yourself some straightforward and often obvious questions can help you to understand and Read More
These 5 women have broken glass ceilings and achieved unprcedented success in their chosen field. They've got these 5 inspiring quotes for you. Read More

4 Rules For a Hilarious Social Media Campaign

4 Rules For a Hilarious Social Media Campaign - Avatar Posted by KelvinIsAwesome under Social Media
From 3396 days ago
Made Hot by: blogexpert on March 12, 2015 6:46 am
If you hate laughing, then a hilarious social media campaign is not for you. Also, I hate when companies try to guilt readers into something. Anyways, humour is the easiest way to create an impact that resonates with your audience. But only if you're good at making the funnys. Here's how to do that Read More
Reading can help you write better which is an obvious tip to many, but it works if you want to be a better blogger. Here is why it works...
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The eCommerce landscape is exploding as B2C eCommerce sales surpassed 1.5 trillion in 2014, and there are estimates of B2B sales reaching 6.7 trillion in 2020. Its possible that total eCommerce sales worldwide could top 10 trillion by 2020! Those are some insane numbers. With consistent worldwide e Read More
Your company's website might soon be effected by how many "truths" it tells as opposed its standard SEO factors. Learn about Google's new project and how it could shake up your SEO strategy. Read More
Being a young professional can be exciting or terrifying.

For most 20-somethings, the professional world is a place filled with potential and danger, opportunities and threats, and their professional inexperience often manifests sooner or later.
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