Profmarketing voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Want to impress people with your powerful memory? Remember lists of tens, even hundreds of items? You can with this powerful memory technique... Read More
Creating a brand that people love takes a lot of effort and discipline. You have to have a great product but that’s just the start. The rest of the process can be broken down into 6 main steps (described in this post by a branding expert): Strategy, Name, Manifesto, Tagline, Logo & Visual identity. Read More
Bad customer service doesn’t just leave customers with a negative impression of your brand, it can severely impact your bottom line. In fact, 55% of customers surveyed recently have abandoned an intended purchase or business transaction following a poor experience. Companies’ failure to provide sea Read More
You've likely never heard anyone use the phrase "Ello Porn". You may never hear of Ello Porn again. But pornography and social networks drives the Internet. Read More
In this high-level overview, I dig into the why and how duplicate content can be harmful to a site’s visibility in Google Search.

You'll also learn about free tools that can help you understand how your content is being duplicated across the web, asses if your site has been impacted, and correc Read More
Consuming honey may be an enjoyable activity, but gathering it certainly isn’t. Extracting honey from beehives has traditionally been a complicated and sometimes dangerous process.
But now an Australian beekeeper and his son are aiming to change that process. Their product is called Flow Hive. The Read More
We enjoy fiction for countless reasons. It explores all facets of humanity and urges us to reflect on ourselves and our surroundings. While TV, movies, and literature all entertain us, we can also learn from them. This infographic delves into the business lessons that beloved (and/or despised) char Read More
You will find a blueprint that takes you from learning the basics of blogging to becoming a knowledgeable and talented blogger. This guide has been designed to help you achieve those goals in an easy to read, step by step way. Read More
Does your company have a presence at an upcoming trade show or similar event? If so, columnist Timothy Carter has tips for maximizing your event marketing with social media. Read More
I have a tremendous peeve about how the guest posting process goes. The focus is all wrong, upside down and turned around and it makes me NUTS. - See more at: Read More

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