Profmarketing voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Success is often an up and down affair, at times it is hard to get you sales mojo back, but are there things you can do to maintain your sales mojo, and avoid the lows? Read More
In today’s environment, content marketing writers must possess a vast array of skillsets to be successful. In Episode 108 of the content marketing podcast, we distill those skillsets down to four “faces,” or four perspectives that every content writer must have accessible. Read More
You work hard, seriously. You devote every drop of energy to build your blog. You are determined to succeed.

Yet you see other bloggers progress faster than you and overtake you – just like that.

It is quite heartbreaking to see your blog show little or no progress while you do every possible Read More
There are many things that make a person a great CEO. Here are a few tips you can use in order to improve your overall performance as a CEO. Read More

6 Ways You Can Emulate Top Brands Starting Today

6 Ways You Can Emulate Top Brands Starting Today - Avatar Posted by tuckerleroy under Marketing
From 3440 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on February 7, 2015 4:43 am
The big movers in 2014 are all innovating and launching products and services. They are socially active and engaged with their public. They are leading the charge and conversations. We can and should do this too, no matter how local, small or niche we are. We are important brands too. Read More
When I first started blogging, back in 2009, Jeremy Schoemaker of ShoeMoney and Glen Allsopp of ViperChill were already making six-figures running blogs powered by AdSense revenue. A dream job, indeed. But these were edge cases. If earning six-figures blogging was commonplace, the hardest workers a Read More
If content is the king of the internet, then visual storytelling is the prince, just waiting to take the throne. Social media users consume content by skimming, and this is why bullet points, bolded statements and most importantly, appealing visuals, can take your social media marketing efforts to Read More
You know that your product or service isn’t just good, it’s great—and customers are starting to notice. Now, how do you get satisfied customers talking about you? Here are some other ways to receive free marketing from your happiest patrons... Read More
Many corporate blogs are painfully dull.

Creating and updating a blog and brainstorming new posts doesn’t come naturally to many people.

And in industries that lack any sort of sex appeal, blogs are too often used to broadcast boring, confused corporate messages... Read More

Iron Rice Bowls and the Impact of Government Funding

Iron Rice Bowls and the Impact of Government Funding  - Avatar Posted by cbrendlinger under Finance
From 3440 days ago
Made Hot by: blogexpert on February 7, 2015 3:30 pm
There was an interesting editorial item in The Economist that unintentionally says a lot about the impact of government intervention on industry. In the last generation, the average number of working hours needed to purchase an automobile, clothing or other consumer goods has fallen by 50%. Read More

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