Profmarketing voted on the following stories on BizSugar

11 Years On: How Facebook changed the way we talk to each other

11 Years On: How Facebook changed the way we talk to each other  - Avatar Posted by jonnyross under Social Media
From 3441 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on February 7, 2015 4:47 am
Over 1 billion regular users log on to Facebook worldwide: a staggering statistic, for a social network which at one point was only a twinkle in the eye of Mark Zukerberg in his Harvard dorm room. Today is Facebook’s 11th birthday and with over a decade under its digital belt, it’s become the most Read More
Focus on the customer and manage the competition by showing the customer that you're the better choice. This blog shares tips on how to gain a competitive edge. Read More
Setting up a new business from scratch is long and tough process. To save time and resources, many entrepreneurs prefer purchasing an existing business over setting up a new venture altogether. Read More
Thinking of Google as that one true friend, who’ll keep sending traffic to your site, is not a good idea. It’s important to think beyond Google, If you want a strategy that offers sustainable results over the long term. Read More
Many small businesses make the mistake of ignoring their biggest source of income: recurring customers. What can you do to provide better treatment for your returning customers? Here are some ideas. Read More
Studio Binder is a new service that’s designed to help photographers and filmmakers send and track call times with their cast and crew. The service is designed to take the pain out of making sure everyone shows up at the right time and in the right place for a shoot. Read More

5 Little Known Ways To Double Your Website Traffic

5 Little Known Ways To Double Your Website Traffic - Avatar Posted by melissaonline under Online Marketing
From 3441 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on February 7, 2015 4:50 am
Do you dream of thousands of new visitors flooding your website?

Picture people from all over the world flock to your site hungry for more of what you have to say.

The massive traffic you drive to your site helps you monetize your site in ways you have never imagined.

Is it really possible Read More
Building a successful blog business requires you to understand the techniques involved, as well as have the right mindset. Read More
When you’re reaching out to customers through their inbox, the email subject line is your first chance at making an impression. Most customers glance at it for only a few seconds before they decide whether they’ll open the email or hit the dreaded delete button. You need a subject line that’s catch Read More
Blogger’s Block is that unexpected moment when you draw a total blank. Either you can’t think of anything to write or whatever you were thinking about writing just leaves you. There are several ways you can overcome blogger’s block. The one way I would suggest under all circumstances is to just sto Read More

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