Profmarketing voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How to Create a Unique Selling Proposition

How to Create a Unique Selling Proposition  - Avatar Posted by PASjonathan under Marketing
From 3466 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on December 16, 2014 10:05 am
What sets your business apart? The answer to that question usually leads entrepreneurs to define their unique selling proposition, or USP. To help entrepreneurs create a unique selling proposition, we’ve written this handy guide to walk you through the process. Read More
In online terms, social media customer service is a low hanging business fruit and an area where you can steal a march on your competitors during 2015.

Usually around this time of year, I write about those online marketing trends that I expect to feature heavily during the following year. Howeve Read More
In online terms, social media customer service is a low hanging business fruit and an area where you can steal a march on your competitors during 2015.

Usually around this time of year, I write about those online marketing trends that I expect to feature heavily during the following year. Howeve Read More
Are you struggling to start, finish, or publish your book?
Tom Morkes is the CEO of Insurgent Publishing, a boutique publishing company.
Tom’s mission is to help people start, finish, and ship creative projects.
He wrote 3 books.
Tom is a West Point graduate and an Iraq war veteran, and for a w Read More
Make use of these innovative types of content that deliver results – and they can start with the following ideas right now. Read More
When we are in a successful business in any stream, enemies will add automatically who are doing same stream business in the market, they may not your personal enemies but business makes them as your enemies, rivalry is common in any business, there is rivalry between Apple and Samsung. Read More
Today we commemorate the 100th episode of the Content Marketing Podcast by reliving some moments from our interviews with some of the thought leaders of our industry. Read More

Is Office Clutter Affecting Your Productivity? - Tweak Your Biz

Is Office Clutter Affecting Your Productivity? - Tweak Your Biz - Avatar Posted by robbienorton under Management
From 3466 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on December 16, 2014 10:28 am
Clutter creates chaos, disorder, and inefficiency in both your professional and personal life. Having worked in senior management in multi-national organizations for 20 years, I have witnessed all the tricks of the trade when it comes to looking busy. Many people describe their spaces as “organized Read More
You could be making these mistakes that drives visitors off your site, while you are obsessed with driving visitors to your site! Check these mistakes out! Read More
If you want to build a membership site to launch your online training but have financial constraints, I have a plan for you.

Use a Google+ Private Community.

You’ll not only build a membership site, you’ll also build a following and thus grow your business.

But there's a caveat ... Read More

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