Pvariel voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Push notifications can do a lot of things where other sources or efforts fail. Push notifications are small messages that can reach your audiences anywhere at any time. In this post, we share about PushMaze Push Notifications and its wonderful features. A review by Philipscom Read More
Big banks don’t want to deal with startups because of their lack of credit history.

They don’t have anything to base their approval decision on and that’s why they turn down applications from new business owners.

It is important for owners to develop strong business profiles and ratings to Read More

35+ Best Free SEO Tools to Boost Your Search Traffic

Avatar Posted by 99signals under Marketing
From https://medium.com 2109 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on December 14, 2018 11:35 am
The best things in life are free. This is the first thought that comes to mind when you use any of the free SEO tools listed here.

This comprehensive list features 35+ best free SEO tools you can use to rank higher in search engine result pages (SERPs).
Read More
An Amazing Giveaway From The Portals Of DesignHill!
This is an attractive giveaway!
It’s indeed a great chance to win fabulous prizes!!
Join This GiveAway please click on the link given at the bottom of the post! Read More
I was shocked when China reversed its 25-year-old ban on the medicinal and cultural use of rhino horn and tiger bone last month. This came out of the blue and was especially puzzling given China’s new image as a conservation and environmental leader after banning ivory, reducing shark fin consumpti Read More
As we edge closer to 2019, there are three marketing trends to keep an eye on – all in the form of content development and distribution. Read More

17 Best Twitter Accounts to Follow for Entrepreneurs

Avatar Posted by 99signals under Social Media
From https://www.99signals.com 2113 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on December 11, 2018 7:48 am
Entrepreneurship is not easy. Which is why you need some inspiration from time to time when you’re forging your own path. Twitter is an excellent resource for inspiration, as you can find entrepreneurs from all over the world, sharing their thoughts, ideas, videos, articles, podcasts, and even some Read More
If you're struggling to make forward progress in your business, here are five areas where you should focus your attention. Read More
Workplace safety has been in the spotlight lately for a number of reasons. Every major accident is bad publicity, and they bring health and insurance costs that firms would like to avoid. Poor workplace safety erodes morale, productivity and could have disastrous consequences for your workers. All Read More
Philipscom is so glad to announce that pvariel.com or Philipscom blog page has crossed 1000 posts. This post is a thank you note to the dear ones who walked along with me in this journey. This note is the 1002nd blog post on this page.

It is indeed an amazing milestone in my blogging journey, Read More

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