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These 4 tips are easy to take advantage of, and best of all, they won't force you to sacrifice quality. Read More

Get More Retweets with These Mega Powerful Twitter Secrets

Get More Retweets with These Mega Powerful Twitter Secrets - http://smallbiztrends.com Avatar Posted by Jed under Social Media
From http://smallbiztrends.com 3428 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingvalue on February 14, 2015 5:40 pm
We have a pretty good idea of Twitter best practices: post regularly, don’t overuse hashtags, keep your tweets short enough for retweets, etc. We even know that a good mix of images and video will help boost engagement. Yet every few months, I like to look back through my Twitter analytics to see w Read More
Did you know that Pinterest was the fastest growing social network in 2014, increasing users by a whopping 97 percent? If you've been eager to dive into Pinterest marketing, but haven't known where to begin, read this EPIC getting started guide for business!

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Facebook and Twitter are testing new social media buy buttons to increase the ecommerce options available on their networks. Are these buttons good for your business or a waste of time? Read More
Want to know one of the BIG secrets to increasing Pinterest traffic, repins and shares? Optimized boards!

Learn why having strong Pinterest board names are key to getting your content found and how you can improve your Pinterest boards TODAY!
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Customer service is more than waiting on customers. It includes trying to exceed customer expectations. More common retail and customer service interview questions and sample answers are a good place to start. Customer service is the service provided to customers before, during and after purchasing Read More

Top 5 Secrets of a Successful Business Blog Post

Top 5 Secrets of a Successful Business Blog Post - http://www.womenonbusiness.com Avatar Posted by Copysugar under Social Media
From http://www.womenonbusiness.com 3433 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on February 13, 2015 9:30 pm
Most business owners know the importance of content marketing in today’s digital marketing world. Content marketing is one of the best ways to increase brand awareness and position yourself as an industry expert. However, content marketing is not synonymous with mass-producing blog posts day after Read More
Are you making these 3 mistakes when using social media? Discover the easy fixes that make your posts more enticing. Read More

11 Years On: How Facebook changed the way we talk to each other

11 Years On: How Facebook changed the way we talk to each other  - http://www.jonnyross.com Avatar Posted by jonnyross under Social Media
From http://www.jonnyross.com 3436 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on February 7, 2015 4:47 am
Over 1 billion regular users log on to Facebook worldwide: a staggering statistic, for a social network which at one point was only a twinkle in the eye of Mark Zukerberg in his Harvard dorm room. Today is Facebook’s 11th birthday and with over a decade under its digital belt, it’s become the most Read More

18 Pinterest Tools for Businesses

18 Pinterest Tools for Businesses - http://www.practicalecommerce.com Avatar Posted by clickfire under Social Media
From http://www.practicalecommerce.com 3438 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on February 5, 2015 8:00 am
Pinterest is the social network for people to discover and share interesting pictures. It’s also a place for businesses to connect with consumers and influential ... Read More

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