Sannwood voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I've been spending all kinds of time both writing posts and reading other people's blogs. I've found that headings can make or break a good blog post. The title brings the reader in but it isn't until after reading the first couple headings when the reader can decide if the post is worth their time Read More
This is a new section of the blog where we learn from solo and small business owners who offer specialised services rather than being generalists in their field. I am really pleased Keyuri agreed to answer my questions. Read More
99 Proven Ways for Small Businesses to Market with Images and Design.
When you first pick up Visual Marketing, it feels more like it’s come from the art and design section of the bookstore, rather than the small business section. The unusual size (which reassembles an art drawing book), the strik Read More
It seems like almost every time I read a blog, I find a few things that they could do better and make more money. Sometimes, I see basic mistakes like blogs not being optimized for search engines, or ads that are irrelevant to the blog's audience. That's why I'm sharing a few ways that you can make Read More
Pinterest is quickly becoming the “talked about” thing, well one of the thousands and thousands of talked about things. I’ve seen articles about Pinterest increase explode in my NetNewsWire over the past few weeks, and discussion about the “pinboard” site seems to be daily around my house these day Read More
Here are eight technologies that you can use in any size business to automate and organize your sales and marketing process. Read More
If you have been moving as slow as molasses toward your goals and cite lack of time or resources as the culprit, you are not going to like what I have to say. Read More
In case you haven’t noticed yet, big things are happening on the Internet today. Wikipedia, Reddit, Craigslist, Wired, and many other websites (both high and low traffic) have “gone dark” in protest of the House bill, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). Even Google is protesting, albeit in a less in Read More
Technical communication solutions will never be the same as physically being in the same room. The nuances are palatable and impossible to replace online. Read More
The landscape of affiliate blogosphere has been changing almost as dynamically as the industry itself. In the course of late 2011 I've spotted quite a few bloggers gaining steam. The spectrum ranges from the fairly new ones to affiliate marketing blogging to those who have been quiet for some time, Read More

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