Sannwood voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As we approach the new year, it's a good time to reflect, re-energize and adjust our business strategy for 2012. Read More
Sidewalk signs can be effective, but only if they're done right. Here is an example of something you should avoid. Read More
The new year is about to begin, so review your tax situation as you decide how to start the year off right. Read More
Why Blog For Business? Companies that Blog get more website traffic and way more sales leads. See how to blog for business properly here. Read More

Productivity Trends for Small Businesses in 2012

Avatar Posted by GetApp under Technology
From 4659 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on December 28, 2011 4:55 pm
Growth of SaaS applications enables businesses to trim costs and increase productivity. The increase in use of such applications has corresponded with a surge in online productivity applications in the market. Read More
From feedback to making money, there are 3 big reasons you and your company need to be interacting with real people. Read More
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you only have one option of obtaining startup capital. There are debt-free options that you've probably never even thought of, especially if you've had tunnel-vision of the bank being the only way to bankroll your startup. Read More
Interview with Lewis Howes on how his latest product generated $400,000 in sales in one month, how they created the product, and much more. Read More
It is necessary for every entrepreneur to convert website traffic effectively. Let’s try to make out what conversion is and how it can be increased. Read More
Working at home has become very popular in the last few years. It has many benefits over regular way of working at the office: no commuting, you have more time to spend with your family and you get more done, because you don’t have the distractions of the open office.

However, there are also dow Read More

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