Sannwood voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Last Sunday I visited the Royal Observatory in Greenwich. Going to a museum is not necessarily the most engaging experience. Thankfully, I was wrong. Despite the small size of the facilities, it caught my eye how this museum managed to capture the audience's attention and retain it for longer at sp Read More
Deciding to start up a family owned business means you will also be in the “business” of maintaining relationships. If you ignore this role, then your family relationships could quickly become family rivalries, and as these connections disintegrate so will your business. Read More
Getting needed funding for your business idea or startup is probably the biggest hurdle you must pass if you are to succeed as an entreprenuer and grow that idea to worth millions or billions. Read More
Having stellar managers in charge of different facets of the company, be they CFO’s, COO’s, CEO’s, the head of production etc. can make the difference between a company that is growing and always looking ahead and companies that are struggling to just stay afloat. Read More
I was reading an article about Google and their quest to provide the right answers quicker and correctly. It was about turning information into knowledge. Instead of waiting for Google the article made me think that there are potential opportunities for the marketing of your brand now. Read More
What office plants got to do with your employee morale?

Here is an interesting look at the psychological and physical health benefits the indoor plants and good ventilation can have on office employees. Read More

10 Small Business Twitter Accounts You Should Know...and Follow!

Avatar Posted by bafife under Social Media
From 4686 days ago
Made Hot by: sprint01 on December 1, 2011 6:53 pm
As Twitter gains momentum (and active users) it can become more and more difficult to weed out the best handles to follow. Today, we’ve sorted through some of the more popular accounts, and we’re sharing with you our top ten twitter accounts relevant to small businesses. Read More
Here are 7 great SEO tips from Nick Stamoulis on how to conduct proper keyword research to ensure that you users who are searching on terms relevant to you, find YOU! Read More
This post refers to how software selection is rapidly evolving when evaluating cloud-based online business software. This article highlights analyst tips when evaluating online software solutions. Read More
Conventional wisdom seems to suggest that buying a franchise is a much lower risk proposition than starting a business completely from scratch. It can be, but not always...

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