Sannwood voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As we all prepare to enjoy another Thanksgiving, we've got 4 easy ways to say "thank you" to your customers and advocates using social media. Read More
Here at Brick Marketing we have an in-house developer that we turn to when the time comes for implementing our SEO recommendations on a client’s site. While I know a fair amount about web development and am comfortable making minor changes to my site and to our clients’ sites, I know that I’m not a Read More
When you look at your life, do you see a glass half empty or a glass half full?

Do you wait until the fourth Thursday in November each year to take pause, and reflect on the many ways your life is blessed?

Do you mentally and emotionally reside in the camp of the have’s or the have-not’s?

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Does your holiday retail strategy this year include mobile? It should. A new study, Understanding Mobile Audience, from mobile ad network Jumptap and comScore found that tablet computers, in particular, are spurring growth of mobile purchasing behavior.
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How Can You Be Profound at Marketing?

Avatar Posted by CanadianFinance under Online Marketing
From 4694 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on November 27, 2011 6:07 pm
You want to be profound at marketing? It’s all within who you are. In my first post, The Best Kept Secret to Creative Business Success, I asked you to focus on what makes you feel vibrant. Read More
Directing your would-be buyers to your best deals and discounts is never more important than on Black Friday, when shoppers have less space to navigate and less time to consider. Ensure your shoppers find the sales you’ve been promoting by offering them a treasure map of sorts. Read More
It was recently suggested at a "Sales 2.0" conference that "of the 18 million salespeople currently in the United States, fewer than 3 million will be needed by 2020". Read More
Recently I was asked how to rewrite content yourself, or where you can outsource it? My personal opinion on this is to write your own original content using your own voice. Read More
2010 was also the year Frank Hannigan became Executive Chairman of Goshido, an Irish Software Start Up company. Frank single-handedly used LinkedIn in order to raise $230,000. This all happened in eight days. Read More

Miranda Marquit: Contributor, Journalist, Entrepreneur

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Strategy
From 4694 days ago
Made Hot by: cendrinemedia on November 24, 2011 10:29 pm
“I like to think that I do more than just provide content for my clients; I like to think that I am helping readers improve their finances, and improve their ability to work for themselves as business owners,” she explained. Read More

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