Sannwood voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Then tell us all about it by answering a few questions in this survey from our friends at Firepole Marketing. Not sure what Semi Local is? It's a business trading in the community and online. Read More
Guest blogger, Joe Ruiz shares his #kaizenblog framing post and wondering about Steve Jobs is more a visionary or a product innovator. Is there a difference between a visionary and a product innovator? Read More
This additional debt crisis could have a material impact on our profitability as it affects the largest supplier of goods for resale to the U.S.: China. There is a debt crisis in China no one is talking about. Let’s take a closer look at it. Read More
Congratulations, your hard work has finally paid off and you’ve just received a job offer. It's now time to crack out the bubbly and start celebrating... well not quite yet, first you'll need to ask yourself these 28 questions. Read More
If your blog traffic stats have flatlined, your blog needs help from a blog marketing service that knows how to create traffic and search visibility. Read More
When you are just starting out with online marketing for your business, you might not be sure where to begin. I offer my best piece of online marketing advice so you know how to get started and get the biggest ROI. Read More
The following are top 7 quality social bookmarking tips for using social bookmarking sites effectively to gain maximum advantage of social bookmarking: Read More
Although launched in 2008 Groupon has really exploded in the past eighteen months. Is it really a viable marketing tool? Read More
If you’re a frequent business traveler like I am, you may have already noticed some of the following trends taking place in hotels nationwide. Some are good, some are not-so-good. Here are six changes CBS News recently reported on that might affect your next business trip.
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Social Media Crunch Time

Avatar Posted by tomshark under Social Media
From 4736 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on October 17, 2011 9:58 pm
It falls into the purview of an already totally slammed communications department…or single communications person. Either way, it’s a social media time crunch. Have no fear. Your organization, no matter how resource-strapped can engage in social media successfully. Here’s how.
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