Sannwood voted on the following stories on BizSugar

During these volatile economic times, there are still ways to make good investment decisions. Here's how. Read More
It’s time for more entrepreneurs to reset their focus, and shift their thinking to completely different ways of doing things. Everyone talks about innovation, but the majority of business plans I see still reflect linear thinking – one more social network with improved usability, one more wind-farm Read More
This isn’t the first time a business owner has had issues with Google Places and it probably won’t be the last, but I decided to share my recent experience with Google Places so business owners having problems with their own account can see that even an SEO firm (that does this for a living!) isn’t Read More
The concept of Success is completely enthralling to me. How does a person become successful? What is the path to success and where do I get on? Where does your mind have to be in order to reach success? I ask myself these questions everyday. Read More
Nonprofits have a unique challenge of not only spreading the news of their causes, but also igniting hearts and minds.

Getting an audience to embrace something greater than themselves, and invest time and financial resources can be an uphill trek. But there are plenty of nonprofits that are surv Read More

Keep Your Readers Love Your Readers

Avatar Posted by tnsblog under Marketing
From 4746 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on October 4, 2011 3:13 pm
This post may seem a little out of your normal techy-straightforward-let’s-make-money-post, but stick with me, while it may not be three surefire ways to make you more money in the next three months, I think it’s just as important. Read More
I think most people reading this know that YouTube can be a valuable way to solidify your brand and drive traffic to your blog or website. But how do you get your videos to have more than 20 views?

Well, I now know the answer. Read More
Are your social media efforts not working? It's probably not social media that's the problem - it's the way you're using it. Find out why and what you should be doing instead. Read More

You’re Not Marketing To Psychics!

Avatar Posted by JackieP under Marketing
From 4748 days ago
Made Hot by: James John on October 3, 2011 5:06 am
Your business may be failing its customers due to lack of consistency or over complication of your marketing mechanism. Are you following through?

Read More

5 Social Media Myths Disproved

Avatar Posted by FixCourse under Social Media
From 4749 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on October 3, 2011 3:59 pm
Most social media advice is vague and touchy-feely. In Dan Zarrella's new book, he disproves a lot of these social media myths. Read More

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