Sh4ddai voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Guest posting has been popular for years as a strategy to build brand visibility, improve SEO, and build credibility. But as with most content strategies, the art of guest posting has evolved quickly, and today, there are several particularly effective tactics for entrepreneurs looking to capitaliz Read More
Whether you’re an intern or a CEO, at least part of your job comes down to customer service. You have to keep your customers happy. Read More
We often hear about website and search engine optimization, but social media optimization hasn’t quite made it into the mainstream vernacular. Whether you’ve heard the term or not, you may already optimizing your social media posts every day. Here are a few examples: Checking your analytics to see Read More
Public relations is a demanding business, mostly because of the conditions of digital media. Consumers access multiple online channels on an almost constant basis, so keeping your brand both visible and positively received by the masses can be troublesome for the busy entrepreneur. Read More
If you’re plugged into the world of SEO news, you’ve probably already heard about the “pirate update,” an unofficially named Google update that’s changing the ranking rules for sites deemed to be violating copyright laws. It’s the latest indication of the search engine giant’s firm stance against o Read More
Your success as an entrepreneur is determined in large part by your ability to communicate. You can be the best at what you do, but if you’re not communicating effectively with clients, staff and the market, then you’re missing opportunities. Read More
Business owners often hear about the benefits of blogging to enhance branding, but crafting content for their own company websites isn't the only way to get the word out. Guest blogging and giveaways have both become major ROI-drivers for successful online marketing strategies. But the success of a Read More
Voice-based search queries have not traditionally been a significant consideration for search engine optimization (SEO); people usually would rather type their queries into a webpage directly, avoiding the errors and that can come with automated voice translation. However, voice recognition technol Read More
A variety of factors impact how well a page ranks in search engines, including quality of content, page meta descriptions, and the URL name. But for a busy professional, keeping up with algorithms and making sure every page on a business website is optimized can be complicated. In light of the resu Read More
America’s fascination with entrepreneurial productivity is endless -- just look at the waves of books published each year to the ongoing obsession with finding ways to wake up earlier each day. But it’s not just optimizing your morning routine or the approach to structuring your work day that’s imp Read More

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