Sherazamc voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Many small businesses actually foil their own chances of success by trying to expand too rapidly — hiring too many employees, taking on too many contracts, buying too much equipment etc. This mistake is known as premature scaling, and it’s estimated that it accounts for the failure of up to 50 perc Read More
Working from home can truly be an amazing convenience, but at times, it can be a real drag. Working alone, spending most of your days and nights in one place, and the countless number of distractions are something to get use to. But, working from home doesn't always have to be this way. Below are 9 Read More
You don't have to be a Jerk to succeed in small business. But you do have to stay tough so people don't take advantage of you. Find out how you strike the balance. Read More

But We Gave Them Everything They Wanted!?!

Avatar Posted by dabrock under Sales
From 4328 days ago
Made Hot by: JimmyJams on November 2, 2012 12:27 am
Sometimes, we tend to think of the the customer buying experience (and even their earlier experiences when we are nurturing and prospecting) as different from the customer experience, that is, how we treat them after they have purchased. To a customer, it's one continuous experience---with decision Read More

Facebook promoted posts for pages: A complete guide

Avatar Posted by faissal under Social Media
From 4328 days ago
Made Hot by: Kirsten Jones on November 3, 2012 8:44 am
Facebook promoted posts help your posts to reach more of your fans and their friends which will case more people to see and interact with your updates and of course more people to like your page. Read More
It tells us that in order to deliver more compelling, animated presentations, we need to be passionate about the topic. If not, we’re in danger of mumbling or droning our way through. If the topic is something we naturally love then this should come easily. But sometimes this isn’t the case and we Read More

Smart Marketing – Are You Touching All The Bases?

Avatar Posted by JackieP under Marketing
From 4328 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Manifesto on November 1, 2012 9:44 pm
Smart Marketing is about listening, and being helpful and delivering to your market. Here's what dissecting a piece of direct mail can teach you. Read More

The 5 Steps You Need to Come Up With a Good Idea

Avatar Posted by copyjuice under Marketing
From 4328 days ago
Made Hot by: Marketing_Mashup on November 2, 2012 1:29 am
Get creative ideas using simple steps discovered by advertising legend James Webb Young. Find out how to make your mind come up with a big idea! Read More

Building a Blueprint for Sales and Marketing Success

Avatar Posted by BLASTanna under Marketing
From 4328 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on November 2, 2012 10:39 am
Looking for a way to better align sales and marketing? The first step to building a blueprint for marketing and sales success is to build a solid sales infrastructure. Read More
You may have heard of Google’s “20% Time”. The concept is simple — Google’s engineers are allowed to dedicate 20% of their working hours to personal projects.

You would be amazed at what products have come out of this initiative — Gmail and AdSense to name just two. That’s a pretty impressive ou Read More

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