Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The number of themes in ElegantThemes' collection has increase from 57 to 58 with release of the new theme Modest. This theme features an elegant and simple design. Read More
Looks like Toys R Us is getting away paying 200 times less than the actual value of a Facebook "like" ($0.018 instead of $3.60)... and it's working for them. Read More
A tutorial on how to create a facebook fan page for your small business. Explains not only how to do it, but why you should. Read More
BranchOut is a career networking application that allows you to leverage the power of Facebook’s network to seek jobs and sales leads. Basically you are using your “meaningful” connections to assist you in putting yourself in the best possible light in the eyes of recruiters as well. Read More
I’m not here to talk about writing a blog, but instead to discuss the importance of outreach. Blogger outreach, better known as the PR side of social media, involves creating, building and maintaining relationships with the most influential bloggers within your industry. You may not be aware of it, Read More
Everyone says that businesses need social media. They say that a business can't ignore the billions of people online and members of various social networks. Well, what if your business only cares about the local hundreds or so potential customers just around the corner? How can you use social media Read More
What separates the ‘made’ deals from the ‘broken’ deals? Following some simple, yet often forgotten rules. Influence expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D, explains what anyone can do to help master the boardroom for ultimate business success. Read More
I was recently introduced to the concept of Minimum Viable Product or MVP. If you work in the software development industry, you most likely have heard of MVP. But for everyone else this will be an eye-opening experience. Read More
Top 5 Innovative Facebook Fan Page Ever Created on Facebook. You are out of business if you are not on Facebook. Facebook is one of the largest social networks, with 500 million users and growing. There are 50% of active users log on to Facebook everyday. Facebook is actually killing it right now, Read More
Only a little while ago, networking for most growing businesses meant squeezing a few hours out of an already busy day to attend an indifferent lunch with a few other business people of various kinds in a nearby hotel or restaurant.Not any more. The social media revolution led by Facebook and Twitt Read More

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