Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Technological advancements and developments aimed at solving marketing problems arouse quite a fascination with the technology that drives it. However in this process, people often tend to forget that the technology was introduced to solve a marketing problem. The same is true in the case of digita Read More
My Wishes For This Year. I have this video created to that i can attract what i want for myself this year. Pleae view and pass along. I will also love to here your comments ... Read More
Review of four online tools (mostly free) that can make your website or landing page more engaging, communicate branding messages more effectively, see how people interact with your content in social media and get feedback on usability. Read More
Retaining employees is going to get harder for your small business as the economy improves. Anyone who’s feeling stalled or frustrated at your business is likely to look for better opportunities at a company that offers more chance for advancement. One of the key advantages big companies have alway Read More
Even though I find it hard to believe that a company going forward into 2011 would not be willing to participate in social media, I guess there will always be a few still on the fence waiting to dive in. Here is what companies are missing by not using social media Read More
The days of the Comment Box on the wall is over. Today there are hundreds of ways for consumers to let businesses (and their customers) know what they think in excruciating detail. But smart businesses encourage this type of activity. Read More
25 Ways to Prospect for New Business By, Deborah Shane “Inspire rather than push the sale by being serve centric rather than sales centric”- Did you know Read More
Does it always seem that someone else is more successful than you in their virtual assistant business? I know sometimes it's hard to hear about all those virtual assistants with too many clients, or those virtual assistants (VAs) all making six figures when you are barely surviving. Don't you alway Read More
1776: British Forces went to war to defend their Empire. Clad, they were in bright redcoats which screamed "HIT ME" as they stood in the open.

Business in the 21st century is COMBAT. And modern-times demand modern methods. Failure to adapt can man a bloody outcome! Read More
I asked my friend Honest Guy to keep track of all the steps he had to go through to make his Last Honest Guy Relationship Podcast a reality. He gave me these 10 steps. Enjoy. Read More

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