Sophia2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

You’ve gone to the effort of creating a valuable product. You know how much your work is worth, which can make it very difficult to decide when is an appropriate time to give away something that you’ve worked so hard on.
But there are times when it makes sense to give away a copy or two of your pr Read More
You have certain obligations when it comes to security; even if you don’t collect giant piles of information about your users, most of the people who use anything you build will assume that their information is private. A security breach, even a minor one, can disrupt the trust your users have in y Read More
Content curation is a great strategy but one of the biggest questions I get is how do you find great content to curate?

Below I describe how to set up a content curation listening post using RSS feeds. Read More
Phone hacking has been in the news a lot recently. But did you know that phone hacking is not confined to accessing individuals’ voicemails on their mobile phones?

The hacking of telephone systems, otherwise known as “phreaking”, “toll fraud” or “dial through fraud”, is a very profitable busines Read More
One of the most basic items you need to tackle at tax time is your filing status. How should you file your taxes for the most benefits? Read More
Revenue and cash flow are critical components of any organization. But while businesses have their revenues to allocate as necessary, charitable and non-profit organizations can rely only on fundraising as the source of finances to sustain their operations. Read a few past examples that worked that Read More

How to turn Data into Revenue

Avatar Posted by ryandonegan under Technology
From 4237 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on February 25, 2013 12:36 pm
Business can build high volumes of data, coming in at a rapid pace from a wide variety of sources. Without a proper Big Data solution, finding relevant relationships is like fishing in the dark. For chief information officers, priority is to enable their businesses to make better decisions faster. Read More
In her recent documentary Life Is But a Dream, Beyoncé shared not only her personal thoughts, but some sound business lessons as well.

Whether or not you are a fan, her success is something to be admired. Read More
Writing blog posts should be enjoyable. This directly influences the quality of your post. If you crank out content under pressure or under compulsion (to keep up with the content creation rat race) then your content will most probably reflect your mood. Read More
We talk about “putting out fires” in our day-to-day business; but what about when your job description really does include “fire suppression techniques and practical application”? Here are ten things I learned from my first business endeavor, as co-owner (with my late husband) of a fire performance Read More

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