Sophia2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As a business owner, it’s important to understand how the Affordable Care Act can affect your business. However, with so many misconceptions about how the Affordable Care Act works, this can be difficult. To clarify the myths versus facts, we’re launching a new blog series called “Myth vs. Fact: T Read More

Do the Best Hires Only Come from Referrals?

Avatar Posted by devan under Human Resources
From 4238 days ago
Made Hot by: NanoTechnologyMedia on February 25, 2013 12:55 pm
Does your company rely heavily on employee referrals? If so, you may be overlooking some great candidates. Read More
You can now watch live streaming video of funerals and religious services. What is next for social media? How can entrepreneurs use this information to grow their business. Read More
Let me warn you now the modern template for strategic selling will involve some stalking – when I say some I mean quite a bit; however it’s probably never been easier to be exceptional at strategic selling. Read More
If your brand is looking to increase your presence and engagement on Facebook, running a contest or promotion may be the answer. However, it is very important to familiarize yourself with Facebook’s official rules regarding sweepstakes, promotions, and contests. It’s usually easy to just skip over Read More
Years ago, my coach said to me, Karlene, you're hiding! Back then, I did not know what she meant. I figured it was because I was cooped up in my home office all the time in the back corner of my house. But that's not what she meant. Read More
After a long gap I am coming with a different topic “How to make an eye catching blog”. Last two weeks I am busy with my exams. Any way today we are discussing about how to make your blog perfect and eye catching one. Everyone knows that Blog design play an important role in consistent traffic. Read More
The apparent need for interdependency is prevalent in all levels of governments and the private sector as we have seen with globalization, regionalization, and within our local communities. Read More
Management, to be efficient and effective, should have the essence of leadership – the heart of management. Employers, managers, bosses, and supervisors have to understand that they are handling people who are human beings filled with seemingly unpredictable feelings and emotions. Any statement, on Read More
Link-a-what? Link Builders have struggled throughout the years on how to properly and adequately measure ROI from effective link building strategies. Read More

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