Stella77 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Money to build the business is the number one challenge for most startups. Don’t believe the urban myth that you can sketch your idea on a napkin, and professional investors will throw money at you. In reality, only 3 out of 100 companies who apply are successful with Angels, and the success rate w Read More
If a tree falls in the forest and... well you know the rest.

Back before everyone used the internet, if you needed to find a plumber you would refer to the yellow pages.

How things have changed.

Read on to learn how to be found online- the right way! Read More
This infographic details 3 website metrics on which to keep an eye and includes some suggestions of what to do when they indicate low performance. Read More
One of the mantras of our society is that, if you want success in your career and life, you need to attend university and graduate with a degree. However, as recent student demonstrations underscore, the cost of a higher education is on the rise. What if you can't land a job that pays you enough to Read More
Credit makes the world go round - this is very true as far as small business is concerned.

However, small businesses - especially those run by newbie entrepreneurs, are especially vulnerable to predatory credit sources.

Read on to learn more about what's happening in American debt collectio Read More
Argentina's Tarjeta Naranja is popular because it works hard to build its social network, and places emphasis on great customer service. How many Canadian and American credit card issuers can say the same thing? Not many. Read More
In the beginning search engines did not consider links in their ranking algorithms, but businesses wanted links to their site simply for the valuable traffic from a specific target market.
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Yup, been a heck of a week or two in the recent past when it comes to Google and the changes that they’re bringing to the SMB marketplace – and the changes that we’ve been seeing and tracking are varied but yes, they’re going to mean that many of us will need to re-position our own or our clients s Read More
I come from a high-tech software background, and only a few years ago, it would cost at least a million dollars ($1M) for a team of professionals to produce any commercial software product. Now, with open source software components, and low-cost development tools, the same job can be done by one go Read More
As a small business owner, how do you differentiate yourself from your competitors? Does your website appear in the search results when someone is searching? Read More

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