Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Social Media Success Summit 2010

Avatar Posted by CindyKing under Social Media
From 5306 days ago
Made Hot by: SkipAnderson on March 22, 2010 10:23 pm
Find out how the Social Media Success Summit 2010 can help your social media marketing success and what social media tactics you can learn at this virtual event. Read More
Not every business expert opposes the health care bill that could be passed by the U.S. House as early as Sunday. In this link from the Center for American Progress Action Fund is a letter signed by economists and other supporters spelling out the plan's benefits. Though the benefits for small business aren't really mentioned. What's your opinion? Will the proposed health care bill help or hurt U Read More

Entrepreneurs Oppose Healthcare Bill

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under News
From 5308 days ago
Made Hot by: alinisrael on March 23, 2010 12:14 pm
The Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council opposes a proposed health care bill that could be voted on in the U.S. House as early as Sunday. The group says the bill will not help small businesses with the high cost of health insurance but will add regulations making it difficult for them to create jobs not to mention survive and grow. The council expresses its concerns in this open letter to Read More

Healthcare Bill Wrong Perscription for Small Business

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under News
From 5308 days ago
Made Hot by: jnelson on March 23, 2010 12:14 pm
The National Federation of Independent Business has created a video and explanation of its opposition to a healthcare bill that may be voted upon as early as Sunday which business advocates say will be tremendous hardship on U.S. small businesses. We'd like to hear from the bizSugar community. Do you agree with the current healthcare package being debated in Washington. We'd like to hear from the Read More
Wow, my recent post questioning Twitter's marketing value stirred up some controversy!

This short VIDEO spells out my concerns about Twitter's declining usefulness.

A lot of people agreed with me, a lot of others did not, and some people were personally OFFENDED. Even the New York Times picked up the controversy!

If you missed my "Twitter Jumped the Shark" post or would like more det Read More
We talk a lot about taking the time to manage customer reviews and it makes sense to do so. Online reviews grow legs: The search engines are aggregating them, Read More
You're an Entrepreneur. You're a Finder. It’s non-negotiable. It's comes with the the territory. It’s part of your job description. How good are you at Finding? Read More
Always be optimizing. This is the mindset required to drive and strengthen your online presence to the point where you are always “found” wherever people are searching for your keywords. This includes prospects who are searching Google Images. You have to view images as additional mechanisms for delivering your keyword content. Read More
Many of you will be aware that Facebook has started to push it's advertising platform in recent months, and certainly as a user of Facebook I have noticed more Read More

I Don’t Care Where You Tweet You Twat! | Marketing

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under SugarTone
From 5309 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on March 19, 2010 4:53 pm
The problem with poor tweets (I feel) is that they disengage the follower and then when you do tweet something useful that person might just miss it as they are not paying too much attention to your tweets anymore. Read More

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