Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Business umbrella insurance covers many things but not everything. Like any other kind of insurance, there are always those loopholes you don't know about. Make sure your commercial umbrella insurance covers what you need it to cover. A few tips. Read More
Following is a Q&A with Ellen Cagnassola, the Soap Executive Officer (SEO) of SweetSoaps, a maker of custom soap products based in New Jersey. Ellen’s been on our radar for some time now (we’ve blogged about her in the past) and we found her on Twitter doing everything successful entrepreneurs do - make a good product, make good connections and make people aware of her. And just like professional Read More
Let me start by saying that I'm something of a heretic, especially when it comes to business. Some would say that I'm outrageously opinionated, and that listening to my crazy ideas could get you into a lot of trouble. Read More
(Except Different) Years ago, people used things called public libraries to do research on a variety of things, including washing machines, and franchise opportunities. Libraries housed books and magazines that were available for people like you to use for whatever... Read More
I have been managing various forms of real estate in Florida since 1972. Since that time I have contemplated why there is a “disconnect” between a Board of Directors and their Unit Owners. Read More

Customer Loyalty – It’s all about CRM. | Management

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under SugarTone
From 5310 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on March 19, 2010 12:04 am
CRM, or customer relationship management, is about understanding your customer to deliver them a better service while increasing your sales and revenues. Read More
According to a study, consumers who follow a brand on Facebook and Twitter are more likely to recommend a purchase item or service. Read More
As you probably already know, the more websites that link to your website, the higher you’ll rank in search engines. Now there are a lot of shady ways to get backward links, such as buying text links from brokers or website owners. So instead of going with the short-term route, here are some legitimate ways you can build links so that you can boost your search engine traffic. Read More
Apple’s iPhone wasn’t originally conceived as a business-focused device; however, the advent of the App Store and the rapid rise in usage and adoption has really given the platform — and the phone — some pretty great use cases for business users. Read More
Co-founder of Sunshine Suites Cheni Yerushalmi in New York City talks about building a business around a passion for community, having Gary Vaynerchuk as a celebrity endorser and tips for your business. Read More

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