Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Keys to forming business relationships. Includes interviews with Bob Burg and Keith Ferrazzi as well as tips on networking, reaching out and giving first. Read More
It took incredible determination, grit, skill and perseverance just for 5'6" Spud Webb to enter the NBA. Once there, he took on players who dwarfed him, and he thrived. This true David vs. Goliath story is easily applied to the business-world. Come check out the Spud Webb Model which I have developed and see the principles for success which can be applied to any business. Read More
The Google Adwords: Keyword Tool is a great free tool to help business owners find Keywords for their small business website. Learn how to use Google's Keyword tool. Read More
Banned, forbidden marketing techniques that most companies would never admit they use - but they do. What can you learn from them? Can you use the techniques Apple, Microsoft, Ford and the banned Super Bowl commercials use? Here's what you never knew! Read More
Many businesses only target potential customers in their local markets, but inbound marketing also allows you to easily reach prospective customers in a global marketplace. Have you optimized your site for international search engines? Do you want your business to be found or shared with a broader audience? If so, here's how you can advance your international marketing efforts more strategically. Read More
It cannot be denied that “Customers are now King, and Queen!” In times when we need to retain our existing customers like never before, and encourage new ones as much as possible, it is absolutely essential that the bar is raised on all aspects of customer management and interaction so that we deliver exactly what our customers expect and more – without exception. Read More

Ten Reasons Why Going Global Is Advantageous To Your Company

Avatar Posted by VictoriaJones under Global
From 5345 days ago
Made Hot by: zanedillon on February 14, 2010 5:07 am
Technology is shrinking our world into a smaller, easier place to do business and is fundamentally reshaping our lives. Here are ten reasons why going global is advantageous to your company. Read More
The key to achieving success in your direct mail marketing campaign is through effective postcard sales copy. Postcards for marketing should have the ability to do the sales talk for you in order to increase your business. Communicate the right message to your target customers by keeping these tips in mind: Read More
Your location? Might seem an awkward question but that’s what Google, Yahoo, Facebook and others consider! Want to know more? Here is the future…
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Google Confuses Us with Its Charming TV Appearance

Avatar Posted by jsternal under Advertising
From 5345 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on February 11, 2010 3:10 am
Riddle me this, Google execs and PR department: Why did Google choose to market its search engine—probably the only product that doesn’t need advertising—in a very expensive Super Bowl commercial? That, Google, is the only real question we have for you. Why market something that’s already a winner in its space and beyond? Google’s search engine already holds roughly two-thirds of the market. Read More

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