Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I read a number of articles daily; including blog posts. They range from social media to humorous articles. However, there’s another step to do after reading; which is commenting on the articles that you’ve just read. From what I noticed, the number of blog comments has been going down south with the availability of other social media platforms. Read More
Social networking applications are getting their way to everyone’s heart. Facebook, Twitter and blogs are only a few applications to get the words rolling. Read More
Rupert Murdoch became the owner of his first newspaper, the Adelaide News, at the ripe old age of 22. Today he owns 170 newspapers, including the crown jewel, the Wall Street Journal. He explains why the Wall Street Journal's circulation has grown since September 2007 (a month after Murdoch bought it), while the other ten largest newspapers in the U.S. have shrunk. Why? The answer may surprise Read More
Do you offer your customer a long list of available services or offer your services across many industries? If you do then you may be missing out on a competitive advantage that lifts the marketing of your small business out of the masses. Being a specialist offers the following advantages: Read More
Aside from filling them with your business contact info or latest promos, you can also use brochures for other purposes to give your brochure marketing more variety. All you need is to do think outside the box to come up with an alternative function for your brochures. Below are some brochure marketing ideas to help you get started: Read More
You have the perfect business idea. But it can’t come to fruition without money. So how do you get your master plan in motion? Read More

Corporate Communication: An Essential Tool in an Organization

Avatar Posted by Athena under Strategy
From 5340 days ago
Made Hot by: CharleneNance12 on November 30, 1999 3:00 pm
The growth of corporate communication can be attributed to the trend among progressive companies to appoint a communication man to top managerial positions (and even in the executive board). Corporate Executive Officers (CEOs) are beginning to realize that the success or failure of corporate strategies depends on how communication resources are harnessed. Read More
Search Engine Optimization as been critical to driving traffic to your small business website. Now, SEO is being used to help drive traffic to social media profiles. Read More
It’s easy to wind up with an overflowing toolbox, virtually speaking. There are web applications, widgets and plugins galore, all ready to make your life easier if you just sign up and start using them.

All that help can quickly turn into a problem as you try to keep track of everything. Fortunately, there are ways to keep all those helpful pieces of technology from overwhelming us Read More
Writing is a natural skill-set, which by design or by default, most everyone has. It is a gift for you to utilize in all of your business-related pursuits. It enables you to market, sell, merchandise, attract, persuade, affect, convey, communicate, network, correspond and more! Tips and advice for Read More

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