Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Pricing has always been one of the greatest games in business. In lean times, this is more true than ever. The price you offer has to reflect value, convey Read More

American small businesses needn't go extinct -

Avatar Posted by ShashiBellamkonda under News
From 5334 days ago
Made Hot by: CFOWISE on February 24, 2010 7:18 pm
key message:take your business to the local mom and pop business first

The dream of owning a successful small business is still alive in America and remains an essential part of our national self-image. But along the main streets and rural byways of the country today, in place of countless small businesses supporting millions of families in tens of thousands of communities, the banners of a fe Read More
The importance of a good employee benefits plan for your small business goes beyond being a good recruitment and retention tool though those certainly are two key reasons you should have a competitive plan in place. This post from Small Business Notes can help get your business focused on the importance of developing a good plan if you haven't got one already and give you some pointers about what Read More
Last Thursday, February 18th, we offered our second webinar. Even though our monthly sessions are for companies that want to embrace social media, this one was more oriented to staff in the Sales and Marketing departments. Read More
If and when you ever find yourself in a crisis situation, the best thing to do is come clean, admit your mistakes, apologize, and talk about the steps you’ll take to make amends. Most important, though, is that you must truly show a sincere compassion for those you’ve hurt. I’d rate Tiger’s “performance” during his public apology as a C+ since I wasn’t convinced that his statement came from the h Read More
There have been several articles on the net recently suggesting that writing a thorough business plan might be a waste of time. What is the real truth and are there exceptions? Read More
Great employees who give superior customer service, have a consistent professional appearance and keen knowledge of your service or product are one of the best investments you can make in your business. Read More
Market research is key to ensuring your business stays up to date. Competitor analysis along with an understanding of consumer trends is vital to ensuring your continued business success. Ask Dr Evil what it's like to be out of touch! Read More
Start-up lessons from Google Buzz. When it was first launched, business pundits crowed about the brilliance of Google Buzz. Jason Calacanis called it "brilliant. Like ground-breaking, game-changing brilliant," declaring that Facebook had "lost half its value." The one problem: While Buzz made a lot of sense as a business move--a way to compete with startups like Twitter and Tumblr--it didn't make Read More
I am giving up “giving up” for Lent …. Givng Up is the easy option. Advice to practice persistence and help reject rejection. Read More

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